Best breed for backyard coop?

My red comet is the quietest most egg determined gal in my silkies don't make any noise either but they don't lay as well as the comet. My RIRs are the loudest and most aggressive of the lot.
Thanks I will start weaning them off heat light. Yep they really love the mister and shade cloth I had put up. They love going in to the stall in my office with the swamp cooler mid day. Thanks heidi
I have had 2 batches of RIR. The first batch was very quiet except the 2 roosters, but they all got along well and only got somewhat loud when I or another family member would come out into the yard.. My current 2 RIR are very loud. Still as friendly and very good egg layers but they are very noisey and no where near as calm as the first 4 I had.

The 2 BR I have are relatively quiet unless its time for eggs, but they quiet down after they lay. They are calm and very friendly!
We have 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Austrolorps, a white Sussex, and a Black Copper Marans, excellent egg production and pretty quiet. We've had them for a year now and recently a neighbor saw them and said she didn't know we had chickens LOL. Like everyone says, only hear them when they're about to or have laid an egg :) We have had RIRs before and not a problem with them either, great egg producers!
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I agree...I was kind of shocked to see this post. As far as brown egg layers go RIRs are at the very top of the list! I have raised them for nearly 40 years and I wouldnt have a back yard flock without them.

You had to have some bad RIR. They are one of the best laying breeds.
I'd get some Plymouth rocks or ameraucanas. I have both and my ameraucanas are so quiet when they lay you can't ever hear them.:cd
Disclaimer: I am going to be blunt and to the point.

The best overall breed is........ the one that best fits your needs. It is a personal choice that only you can make based on your requirements. Asking people for their opinion will only leave you more confused because in what I have read so far there is many different breeds posted here that say they are the best. All which is true for the people who have them but you need to access what you want and need. I have 5 of the breeds mentioned here and in those I have quiet ones and some that are rather vocal and not breed specific. Every animal on the face of the earth react differently to stimuli and chickens are no exception. They are as individual as you and I so to say this breed or that is best is far sighted. Unless you have a specific goal ie....lots of eggs,green ones ect.

There are many factors in which chickens to get, you should make a list of what you want and what you need and go through the breed index and find one that fits most closely. Not often do we get exactly what we want and need but it can happen. The only way you might achieve quiet chickens is to get a bunch and cull the noisy ones but that is no guarantee the others won't speak up. Just falling short of keeping them totally enclosed or getting a bucket from the Colonel.

There is always good advice here at BYC and sometimes great advice. But this topic is subjective and all in a matter of preference.
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My Golden Comet is a sweet, docile and quiet homebody compared to the other breeds I have. She's laid an average of over 6 eggs a week since September 2010. Just the past three weeks she's started moulting and slowed down with the eggs.
I can't remember how to upload my photos like I did in the "My Uploads" tab in BYC's older site, I have photos of our bantams and eggs...

But bantams for backyards really work, here's some of my experiences:

1. The eggs are not tiny, despite what others will say. They measure medium to large on the egg scales. This is a fine sized egg for healthy eating.

2. The scratching and digging in the suburban lawn is actually helpful with their smaller feet. The standard chickens of my neighbors have caused large areas of desert-ification due to the chickens' healthy work ethic. They forage and landscape like they're being paid bonuses to do it, seeking grubs and beetles and ants and bees, and new growth tips of grasses. In my yard full of banties, the grass is actually greener and more lush. In the yards of standard chickens the grass is gone wherever the chickens have been kept for more than a few days.

3. Pet behavior is easier on my sore shoulder with lightweight chickens. If my EasterEgger lands on my outstretched arm, it hurts. One standard hen in my lap usually means I should have a sturdy apron on or a towel, because her diggin' talons will poke through my jeans just from the sheer weight of her. But I can easily sit in my porch swing with 4 bantams and no marks at all on my clothes. Of course I love them all, but the banties are just lighter weight and easier on my clothes and sore limbs.

4. You can fit more banties in the coop! So, you can have more fun colors and styles of fowl for the effort you put into it.

5. If you and your neighbors look forward to crowing, the bantams have many fancy crowing styles to choose from. Our rosecomb's grandpa was the state fair's grand champion crower. They are no bigger than pigeons, but the musicality of the rosecomb crow is shocking. So if you like the loud and clear crowing, the little ones have it.

6. Bantams are not as likely to be regarded as "real chickens" by suburban folks who might resist the idea of chickens in their neighborhood, LOL! Since the bantams are tiny fancy little birds, its kinda cute. To regular city/suburban folk who've never considered the reality of where their food comes from, real live chickens are somewhat frightening. But a funny little colorful bantam chicken really takes the edge off their fear. I overheard one of my neighbors saying, "...but they're cute little things, they're special and fancy, not like a REAL CHICKEN". I'm not going to correct that. It works for me.

One of my neighbors recently got a barred rock hen, and claims she's softer than my silkie mixed birds to pet. I heard the Barred Rocks come in bantam, too. I bet that would make a great little backyard bird!

Good luck with your backyard chickens

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