Best Dog for Protecting Flock?


7 Years
Apr 13, 2017
Just as the title says, I am looking for a good dog to protect my chickens and turkeys, even my outdoor cats (I also have goats). Suggestions on breed? :)

Also the dog would be outdoor and would have to tolerate both hot/cold weather (though obviously I'd have a shelter for it and all that).
Great Pyrenees!
I don't have one, but want one. This is a neighbor's.
Also, plenty of threads here on BYC discussing all kinds of livestock guardian dogs...
Thank for the suggestions. I have done some research and it would seem that a lot of dogs can be good guardian dogs as long as they have the right upbringing, training, and personality. I've read success with Anatolian Shepards, American bulldog, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepard, and even a rat terrier. Basically any dog that was bred for herding and hunting rodents/pests (but not birds)

The German Shepard could work too I suppose.
I have an Anatolian/pyr mix and he is an amazing flock guardian. He guards chickens, turkeys, ducks, my goats, and my kids :) great boy. Not too difficult to train, loves cold weather. I have another dog with him and they work as a pair overnight to run off and kill predators. He alerts her to the predators or "invaders" and she will set off and either chase them away or kill them. I didn't train them to work that way, they came up with that system themselves :lau
I'm just gonna throw this out there that I have a small mutt...a mix of yorkie, maltese and half beagle. She is awesome at helping watch the flock when they are out foraging. She barks at everything in her line of sight that comes in or close to the yard and the hens respond by looking around too when she sounds the alert. She also barks at big birds flying overhead. She's even starting to catch on that I don't want the hens on the chairs on the patio so hopefully she will get better at policing that situation when I'm not outside.

My point is, that while certain breeds definitely have the herding/protective instinct, even some mutts can be good flock watchers with some training. That said, I too at some point, would like to get a bigger dog like an Aussie, Blue Heeler or a Border Collie. But for now, my little mutt does a darn good job!
a German Shepard would be good if you gave him or her the proper traning

as a GSD breeder, a german shepherd would be a HORRIBLE dog for this type of life. They are bred to work closely with humans and are a herding dog. They don't do well without that human connection and bond. Yes, the dog could adjust but no responsible breeder is likely to sell a puppy to this type of farm life.
They are also a herding breed and that prey drive and instinct to chase and corral livestock doesn't tend to blend well with an unattended dog
Thank for the suggestions. I have done some research and it would seem that a lot of dogs can be good guardian dogs as long as they have the right upbringing, training, and personality. I've read success with Anatolian Shepards, American bulldog, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepard, and even a rat terrier. Basically any dog that was bred for herding and hunting rodents/pests (but not birds)

The German Shepard could work too I suppose.

No, you are looking for a Livestock Guardian Dog, not a herding dog, there is a difference.
My bad lol
as a GSD breeder, a german shepherd would be a HORRIBLE dog for this type of life. They are bred to work closely with humans and are a herding dog. They don't do well without that human connection and bond. Yes, the dog could adjust but no responsible breeder is likely to sell a puppy to this type of farm life.
They are also a herding breed and that prey drive and instinct to chase and corral livestock doesn't tend to blend well with an unattended dog

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