Best Dp Bird


10 Years
May 7, 2009
Brooksville, FL
I'm looking to breed my own DPs. I'd like some opinions on the best dp breed to free range. My wife likes the large eggs of ameracaunas, are they good for meat? If I'm going to breed my own, is it better to order from a hatchery or from a specialist breeder? Thanks!
Ameraucanas are a DP bird. They are not as "heavy" as some of the DP breeds but I would say would make a nice dinner. Mine do lay really good sized eggs. I would say if you want "real" Ameraucanas, you have to go to a breeder. None of the hatcheries carry true Ameraucanas (well there is debate about that but not going to go in to it now, I am sure others will post about it) IMO you will get a better, true DP bird from a breeder. There are many on BYC.
Wyandottes are a good heavy DP bird but the eggs that I have been getting from mine have been somewhat disappointing in size. My Wyandottes are hatchery stock so I don't know if you would get better eggs from breeder stock. I am incubating a bunch of Brahmas right now and from what I have read they are a large DP bird that lays good size eggs often. I have also heard that they have wonderful docile temperments. I am looking forwards to adding them to my flock. Again, I am going with breeder stock on the Brahmas.
I have to agree on that about the brahmas. I have a light brahma that is hatchery stock, and my friend used to have a dark brahma that was breeder stock. The dark brahma was a larger, hardier bird and laid GIGANTIC eggs that were 2+ ounces. My light brahma is hatchery stock and is a nice, large bird (she's still very young, tho) and lays iiiiiiiiiitty biiiiiiiitty eggs, about 1.7 ounces on average. She will grow out to be a nice-sized bird, as she's only 6 months old and is already the largest hen in the flock.

I'm looking also into getting dual-purpose chooks this year and am looking forward to the other replies on this thread.
I don't think there really is a true "DP" bird. Alot are called DP but from what i have seen with ours they tend to lean one way or the other. For example Dark Cornish leans more towards meat, the eggs are about medium sized - same with Speckled Sussex. if they have meat roots they tend to go that direction. Show type birds will be larger in size but lay a smaller egg. Our Light Sussex lay a large egg but are slow to grow out and since they are so big and slow they would be easy prey for predators free ranging.

Thanks everyone for the advice. Does anyone have experience with rocks? What size do they fill out to? Does anyone on here know a good breeder of ameracaunas? Thanks again!
Plymouth rocks are a larger bird about 7 to 9 pounds avg. I like standard brahmas because the roos in a good line are 12 to 13 pounds that I've seen. Largest in the breed standard that I know of. Course I only have the 2001 standard.
DP to me means you keep the hens for eggs, and kill the cockerels for meat. Which means you want them to grow out quickly, because once they get their crow on, cockerels are a big pain in the butt. That means a lot of the heavy breeds aren't particularly good, because they grow too slowly - Brahmas for example, they do get big and heavy but it takes a long time before they put on much meat. Of the breeds I tried, Delawares were clearly the superior meat birds, and the pullets are great layers as well. So I'd say they are the best DP if you want both uses from a single breed. The cockerels tend not to be mean, which is also a plus.
Here are some members that breed Ameraucanas. You could contact them to see what they have. CloverleafFarm, Crystal Creek, PipsnPeeps and NoseyChickens. I am sure there are more. Jean (PipsnPeeps) does have a website. If you google Pips and Peeps you will get there.

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