best egg laying hens

Quote: i must have lucked out then, because all three of my buffs are always in their boxes, popping out eggs.
here, i will change my answer. Dont get Buff Orpingtons, bad layers. (for most, hehe)

other good layers are:
red/black sex links
barred rock
plymoth rock

to the best of my knowledge, those are excellent layers, cold hardy and friendly.
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I'm also looking for hens who will lay for a long time.
Plymouth Rocks, Black Australorps, Delawares, RIR, Buckeyes, Chantecler, Sussex, Welsummer, etc are all great breeds for long term laying. Getting them from a breeder is better than a hatchery - as hatcheries breed for high egg production quickly which creates some reproductive issues.
They are the first two, but the last they are not.

I'm with aoxa--Buff Orps are lovely birds, if you don't mind a high feed bill and not very many eggs. Those ladies eat WAY more than they produce. And I've never had any super friendly ones, either.
I live in vt where the weather can and does get very cold in the winter. This is my seventh year with laying hens and find that the barred rock and white rock do the best consistant laying for me . We got some Maran roos to mix and a new incubator which are going to try to lay the mix to try and get a longer - consistant producing chicken for us. This will be our first time actually hatching.

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