Best Hatchery for Started Pullets??


8 Years
Dec 7, 2011
I am wanting to purchase some started pullets, but prices vary so much between the hatcheries that I have found that sell them. Can anyone recommend a hatchery for quality and price to order from? Also, is there a difference in de-beaked and trimmed beaks? Thanks!!
I am wanting to purchase some started pullets, but prices vary so much between the hatcheries that I have found that sell them.  Can anyone recommend a hatchery for quality and price to order from?  Also, is there a difference in de-beaked and trimmed beaks?  Thanks!!

I've purchased juvenile golden buffs from Meyer. Quality was fine, though shipping charges are what will get you. They were debeaked (debeaked and trimmed beaks are the same thing). I ordered from Meyer as I have been happy with past chick orders (they're also the closest mail order to me that I trust), though I prefer intact beaks. But it hasn't affected their eating and foraging, and portions of the beak have grown back.
I've purchased juvenile golden buffs from Meyer. Quality was fine, though shipping charges are what will get you. They were debeaked (debeaked and trimmed beaks are the same thing). I ordered from Meyer as I have been happy with past chick orders (they're also the closest mail order to me that I trust), though I prefer intact beaks. But it hasn't affected their eating and foraging, and portions of the beak have grown back.
Thank you Sunken. I noticed the shipping was pretty high and the whole debeaking thing really bothers me. I may just have to go with chicks again and grow some patience along with the chickens. :)

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