Best laying bantams

Leghorns. I have white and light brown. The white ones I have are very docile, the lt brown ones are spazzes. But they lay summer and winter, and in enclosed spaces. They lay average sized eggs.

I dont have any experience with these breeds but possibly RIRs, Salmon Favorelles, Barred Rocks.

I had some Orpingtons who lay larger eggs but not quite as often, and winter time wasnt good.

I heard Favorelles lay in the winter.

I also heard that Dorkings are good for the winter laying.
What about dominiques? Seems they would lay well in the winter because of their historic heartiness. I've got some in my bator, so I guess I'll see for next year!
My bantam barred plymouth rocks lay every day.
Sometimes TWICE a day.
I have one that I hatched from your eggs and she is very nice. She hasnt started laying yet.

Oh my gosh will you send me a recent picture of her? How old is she? I'd LOVE to see it!
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