Best time to kill my Rhode Island Red Rooster


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
I just wanted layers and ended up with one rooster. I'm new to killing chickens when is the best time to butcher him. He is 12 weeks old today.
Now would be an excellent time. Is he 4 lbs? I wait until my roosters are 4lbs. Sometimes that's 12 weeks and sometimes its 16+. 4lbs live makes for about 3 1/4 lbs dressed, which is a good size for a meal for me.
I thought about giving him away, but thought I should learn to butcher a chicken. 4lb sounds good I thought someone told me 12 to 16 weeks. I will get the rooster on the scale soon.
And he could run him over with the car, or throw him of a bridge. It is obvious that you do not agree with the decision to kill and eat the rooster, get over it. To me, it sounds like the OP wants to put the rooster to use even in its death, to feed the family.


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