Best type of grass to plant for chickens?

FHF ChickenMom

Jul 24, 2017
South Wales, NY
My three new kids have arrived!! Three fourteen week-old Buff Orpingtons. Love them! They have a large "compound to roam in but are gonna go through the grass pretty quick. What the best to plant inside their area as well as outside their enclosure to keep them close to home?
What grass is native to your region? It should grow pretty well in your climate. Most lawn grasses work well too. Here Bermuda is a great choice but I don't now what grasses do best in your region. Different climates.

Your county extension office could probably give you some guidance based on local knowledge, but going with grasses that grow well in your area is probably your best bet. That could be a native grass or it could be a lawn grass that does well in your area.
I'm going to be trying this. It's a seed blend for pastured poultry. I just have a suburban backyard, but I have never really liked the lawn out there so I'm going to try converting it over to something that will be more beneficial for the chickens. They make regional blends so you can order a blend that's formulated for your area.
I have a diverse assemblage of low growing herbaceious plants in my yard. Grasses cover about 2/3 of ground. Legumes, despite covering only about 1/4 of the ground get the most attention.

What ever choice your extension office suggest as when following @Ridgerunner 's, I suggest you mix it up with multiple species and be prepared to play around with how closely and frequently you mow. Allow some taller patches to come up as well. Have the taller patches form a line.
I had some volunteer sunflower plants grow from seed I threw out in their run right outside of the hardware cloth. They peck pieces off as it grows toward the hardware cloth. Once the weather cools and the sunflower plants (not actually flowered) start to be less viable I'll pull them to give to the girls.

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