Best way to ferment my feed


May 18, 2015
Im currently using 50/50 50% my own recipe and 50%chick starter crumble from breeder and was wondering what the best method of fermenting my feed would be?

Homemade recipe ingredients-
red split lentils
BOSS or sunflower seeds
nutritional yeast
dried oregano
flax seed
pumpkin seeds
pink rock salt
Cod liver oil
have u read the fermented feed thread yet...?

id just put it in a bucket with a few tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar and enough water to make a stiff dough-like consistency. some add more water but i find keeping it more solid works better. you want the water essentially chlorine free, so if you have tap water best to filter or let it sit in open vessel to evaporate out before using.

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How will i know if its gone off or bad?
Also can i leave it outfor my 3 chicks to access 24/7 or do i just leave enough for them to eat in half hr then remove and if so how many times a day will i need to feed them? Im out most days so not sure how it would work
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The link I posted has the answers to all these questions and more. Try it, you'll like it!
It says for them to eat it in 30mins?
So for chicks how often would i need to feed this? Wat do they eat in between?
So from this i should only be feeding 2 times a day and only enough they cosume in 30min time frame? My bubs are only 1.5 weeks old im worried they will get hungry in between?
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It says for them to eat it in 30mins?
So for chicks how often would i need to feed this? Wat do they eat in between?
So from this i should only be feeding 2 times a day and only enough they cosume in 30min time frame? My bubs are only 1.5 weeks old im worried they will get hungry in between?

They have a crop that stores their food and slowly releases it to the digestive system....sort of like a continual lunch box. Since they do not have to run a million miles to fill that lunch box and burn off all their energy they've gleaned by doing so, a full crop will sustain them until the next meal. Yes, they should be hungry by the next time you feed them as that will stimulate them to fill the crop again.

That 30 min. statement is just a guideline, an average, and is not the gospel according to Luke, so just play with it and see what your birds will do, but it's a fallacy to think they have to have food in front of them 24/7. It's just not necessary.
They have a crop that stores their food and slowly releases it to the digestive system....sort of like a continual lunch box.  Since they do not have to run a million miles to fill that lunch box and burn off all their energy they've gleaned by doing so, a full crop will sustain them until the next meal.  Yes, they should be hungry by the next time you feed them as that will stimulate them to fill the crop again. 

That 30 min. statement is just a guideline, an average, and is not the gospel according to Luke, so just play with it and see what your birds will do, but it's a fallacy to think they have to have food in front of them 24/7.  It's just not necessary. 

Well that makes sense so if i ferment ut Ill feed them the FF twice a day and feed just enough to last 30-1hrish? Then they can have some fresh herbs, dirt etc to scratch around in during the day.

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