Best way to "mark" chicks


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Fairborn OH
I have several chicks that look the same, but would like to "mark" them in some way for record keeping, I have some leg bands that are sized for my full grown silkies so would still be a little big... I have heard of zip ties, but that kinda worries me, is there some sort of marker or something similar I can use to put a line on their wing or something that wont disappear and would last like a week, and then I'd re mark them. They are white chicks. Just wanting to keep track of who is who for records and such...
Now dont laugh at me..... but we use bingo ink! You get it at dollar stores, in these funny dauber like bottles. Squeeze a bunch of the ink onto the spongey top, and then shmeer it on their heads or backs or what ever. get them good and wet with it, and it dyes the downy feathers, so they are marked until they get thier full feathers!

The ink we buy is water based, and intended for children, so it is food grade, cheap, and comes in lots of bright colors that show up really well on light breeds!

Good Luck
The hatcheries use marker, I think it's a permanent marker, on the heads or chests of chicks when you ask them to identify certain chicks for you. Like when you want them to mark your roos, or if you're splitting your order with someone else. It wears off slowly and then the feathers grow through it.

When they're older/bigger you can try the small thin zip-ties, it doesn't hurt them. Just keep watching so it doesn't become too tight as their legs grow.
hmm... I have food coloring here, I think I'll give it a try if it doesn't work then I will go get bingo markers... and I only have 7 chicks and 2 I can tell the difference from the others, so I only really need to mark 4 b/c the 5 identical chick can just be left plain... does this ever seem to make them peck at each other b/c of the colored spot?
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Yeah I think they just grow too fast at this stage to worry about the zip ties... probably what I will do when they get a bit bigger... for now I would rather not have to worry about it since they grow SO Fast!
When I first put the wet stuff on, they kind of pick at it, but it tastes icky, and they quit pretty quick, and after it dries, I dont see anyone bothering the marks at all.

I tried food coloring, it didnt last. The bingo ink works really well, sometimes it actually lasts too long! I have a splash cochin who is 8 weeks old, and in the right light, you can still see the pink on her head! I keep getting excited that she is a lavender, then I realize its just the old ink!

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