Better tasting eggs?


10 Years
May 2, 2009
My question is this, What makes eggs taste better than someone elses eggs, breed or what they eat?
My chickens eat onions and their eggs don't taste like onions. But then again, they eat a lot of things. I hate to think what the bits of grain in the cow pies taste like, but they love them. Or what earthworms and fly maggots taste like, but I know that they eat them.

I do know that once you get addicted to real eggs, you can never eat those store bought things again. Taste wise, there is no comparison.
Thank you. That was what I thought when someone made a comment about someone elses eggs that tasted better and made the suggestion to me that I might want to get the breed they had. They weren't being unkind, just thought thought that tidbit might be helpful to me.
what they eat
free range eggs taste the best

I have hatchery Leghorns, probably the same or very similar to the ones in cages to produce the store-bought eggs, but the eggs from mine are a thousand times better!!! It's the diet, not the breed!!
My chickens eat anything and everything also. I think homegrown eggs are the BEST!! Most of them are out free-ranging everyday, (except when it snows, we have had a lOT of snow), and the others are in the large pen. I just love them!!!
My other half use to love to go out for breakfast when we first started dating, not anymore!!!!!! can't stand to even look at a store bought egg, says they look SICK
That's funny! DH and I went out to breakfast last weekend for the first time in over a year and said the same thing. We decided next time we'll have to stick with pancakes because the fried eggs were just to sad looking to eat, not to mention tastless.

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