Better way?


10 Years
Jun 14, 2009
So, last year we bought 25 cornish cross. We kept them for 12 weeks (they got huge!) and they ate me out of house and home and probably pooped even more. Then I could not kill them (no idea how) and could not find anyone to process them for us. I ended up selling 25 birds for $150. I thought the guys eyes were going to pop out of his head with excitement when he picked them up. I promised to NEVER do it again.

Last weekend I sold 50 pullets (layers) to a local farmer who also raises 1000 meaties per year and has them sold out in advance. His setup was slick and seemed so much less poopy then our experience, lol. I learned alot abot grinding our own feed,etc. He offered to teach up how to process them using his equipment (did not discuss price). Then he sent us home with a processed bird. OMG....soooooooo good. Now I am contemplating doing it again. I must be nuts. First I have to find a better, cleaner less gross way of raising them, so here I am looking for ideas.

Thanks for listening.
How did you raise them? A standard, stationary coop is NOT a good way to do it. They need a tractor that's moved twice per day. That way there's virtually no smell. If you get better prepared this time, it sounds like you'll be fine, since you've raised them before. At least you probably got close to your money's worth from your last batch!
You didn't do bad with that sale and you guys probably learned alot which is more important. Without knowing how you raised your meaties we wouldn't know where to start to help you. Moveable pens are the way to go if you got the right location. Will

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