Beware CPSIA New Law Affects Crafters and Artists Trying to Sell!

They talked about this on the Troubleshooter Show this morning. It DOES NOT affect thrift stores and selling used items.
People get the kind of government they vote for. Think before you vote. Too often politicians promise to do things for the people, but when in office they do things to the people. The primary function of government should be to leave the people alone.

Some materials are exempted as safe.

The two-member commission, reacting to complaints from manufacturers, also agreed to exempt natural products such as gems and cotton from mandatory testing for lead. ...The CPSC exempted wool, cotton, silk, gemstones and pearls in its proposal today.

Although someone may have to explain to me, using little words (because clearly I am an idiot), why exactly our country desperately needs imported plastic junk from China such that we should respect the WTO's opinion about trade restrictions in this manner?​
Please read this clarification and the Snopes article dacjohns posted before going off the deep end.

If you are very sure of what you are using, paint etc... don't worry! They are going after people who are intentionally buying 'junk' from china that is dangerous and then reselling it, there's lots of that stuff in the Dollar Stores out there, and I for one won't be sorry to see them gone from their shelves. Yes, it's all cheap, but I've seen moms buy some little toy, unwrap it and watched the kid stuff it right in their mouth!! China and other third world countries don't care if there's lead or other chemicals on our baby's toys!!

I make beaded jewelry and never sell ANYone anything without telling them to keep it out of children's reach at all times. I don't know where every bead I get comes from, and if it breaks (not likely because I do good work, but who knows!) a child could choke. Common sense ain't always so common!!!

If you craft, be very sure where your basic products come from, be very sure of the ingredients in paint, and be ready to prove your facts. I AM NOT A LAWYER, but govt agencies don't have time to go after every little person.
That is just about the stupidest thing our government has come up with since NAIS. The Snopes just covers the goodwill type re-sellers- it says nothing about craft fairs. Maybe we should all just revolt against capitalism and start using barter under the radar. In this economy it makes sense anyway. I'll make you a baby afghan for a few chicks:cool:
This makes me sick. I read this and cried. My dreams over before they could start. Im going to fight this with everything in me. I sear the goverment just looks around to see who they can kick around next. What happens to the prayer shawl minstry or project linus? Im gonna alert everyone i know and the local news. Ugh what happens if i get caught giving my friends babies a blanket? What about selling yarn? im confused and hurt!
It not only hurts you sewers, yet it harms the minds of people! Its so great to recieve a homemade craft/gift, and its that this country wants to sue for this, sue for that! What most people do not realize is that the first largest fire object is carpeting and glues in homes design.
Fire retardent clothes are only good until you wash them the first time. UGH. I'll read more later but TY for this article.

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