Bielefelder thread!!!!

These are my first chickens, so I'm really still working things out and deciding what I enjoy. I do want to breed for fun though. Aggressive roosters are a no though - hence I'm wondering if I decide based on personality. Second to that, I would like to conform to the standard. Only problem is I didn't have any females hatch! Plan to get some in the spring.
I think I'd probably keep the one with a better temperament, in that case. 🙂
These are my first chickens, so I'm really still working things out and deciding what I enjoy. I do want to breed for fun though. Aggressive roosters are a no though - hence I'm wondering if I decide based on personality. Second to that, I would like to conform to the standard. Only problem is I didn't have any females hatch! Plan to get some in the spring.
Here's a link to the SOP.

And a discussion of breeding priorities:
Please keep us posted on your luck with buying from Ebay, shipping condition, autosexing at hatch, etc. I am concerned about shipping live chicks if the * hits the fan. This world is getting nuts with delays.
I bought mine from someone there that goes by skywalker. They are up in the Chicago area somewhere because that's where the egg's are being shipped from. You can go to ebay and type in Bielefelder's in the search and it will pull them up. He packs them well. They are individually wrapped in bubble wrap and then placed in the box with lot's of that smaller wood shaving. Then that box is placed inside of another box, with those packing peanut's filling up the rest of the space. You don't have to play the bidding game there, just look for the one's that say Buy It Now like I did.

Yes, and I have a feeling that it's going to get more nut's. That's why I jumped on these when I did. Who knows what it's going to be like by spring? The hatching egg's that I just bought that hatch out pullet's should be laying egg's of their own by maybe May.

Edit: I got my order's in before the Holiday packages could bottle up the deliveries too.
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It look's like this 2nd batch of egg's got here faster then I expected. The mailman delivered them and I have already unpacked them and have them in an egg carton sitting and resting. When I checked the tracking number yesterday afternoon, it said delivery was going to be on Saturday. Oh well, at least I got them before the holiday package rush that slow's thing's down on delivery's, huh? ;)
I got a Bielefleder as a free chick from McMurray’s in April. Had no idea what it was until it was about 2-3 months old. When he started crowing at about 3 months I knew it was a cockerel, didn’t want a cockerel and was contemplating giving him away. I didn’t. I kept him and am so glad I did, he’s beautiful and huge! I named him Rusty for the beautiful rust in his feathers, but he’s not a friendly boy. He’s not aggressive, he just doesn’t like attention, probably because I didn’t handle him enough as a baby And as he grew. Anyway, he’s a pretty boy and I’m glad I kept him. Now I’m thinking about getting a couple of pullets.
I got a Bielefleder as a free chick from McMurray’s in April. Had no idea what it was until it was about 2-3 months old. When he started crowing at about 3 months I knew it was a cockerel, didn’t want a cockerel and was contemplating giving him away. I didn’t. I kept him and am so glad I did, he’s beautiful and huge! I named him Rusty for the beautiful rust in his feathers, but he’s not a friendly boy. He’s not aggressive, he just doesn’t like attention, probably because I didn’t handle him enough as a baby And as he grew. Anyway, he’s a pretty boy and I’m glad I kept him. Now I’m thinking about getting a couple of pullets.
Would love pictures.
I got a Bielefleder as a free chick from McMurray’s in April. Had no idea what it was until it was about 2-3 months old. When he started crowing at about 3 months I knew it was a cockerel, didn’t want a cockerel and was contemplating giving him away. I didn’t. I kept him and am so glad I did, he’s beautiful and huge! I named him Rusty for the beautiful rust in his feathers, but he’s not a friendly boy. He’s not aggressive, he just doesn’t like attention, probably because I didn’t handle him enough as a baby And as he grew. Anyway, he’s a pretty boy and I’m glad I kept him. Now I’m thinking about getting a couple of pullets.
I don't handle mine much neither once they get past that checking for poppy butt's stage. I let them be a chicken, as I don't get mine for being lap dog pet's. I already have a dog. ;)
I got a Bielefleder as a free chick from McMurray’s in April. Had no idea what it was until it was about 2-3 months old. When he started crowing at about 3 months I knew it was a cockerel, didn’t want a cockerel and was contemplating giving him away. I didn’t. I kept him and am so glad I did, he’s beautiful and huge! I named him Rusty for the beautiful rust in his feathers, but he’s not a friendly boy. He’s not aggressive, he just doesn’t like attention, probably because I didn’t handle him enough as a baby And as he grew. Anyway, he’s a pretty boy and I’m glad I kept him. Now I’m thinking about getting a couple of pullets.

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