Bielefelder thread!!!!

I moved 3 of the Bielefelder cockerel's down into the other cage/pen today. That will give them all more room to continue growing, and now there's 3 less boy's to push the girl's away from the feed by hogging it. The 3 boy's can be eaten if they don't get taken as another flock rooster for someone that need's one. Right after I moved the boy's, Hawkeye was down there trying to keep the hen's away from them. Maybe he finally discovered that they are boy's? :gig
I'm stiiiiiill thinking about Bielefelders. @BlueBaby, you (or someone, anyway) mentioned that they eat a lot. Can you give me an idea of how much? A 50 lb bag of All Flock lasts me about a month for 6 hens and a rooster. How much would 7 Bielefelders eat in a month, can you give me an estimate?
I'm stiiiiiill thinking about Bielefelders. @BlueBaby, you (or someone, anyway) mentioned that they eat a lot. Can you give me an idea of how much? A 50 lb bag of All Flock lasts me about a month for 6 hens and a rooster. How much would 7 Bielefelders eat in a month, can you give me an estimate?
My bag's are lasting for a while, because I use a feed bucket where there is less waste, and the wild bird's and mice can't get feed out if it. I also feed them a bit of mixed grain scratch or other treat's when I have some. The past couple of day's they got some left over bun's from an event that I went to. They were getting old and I didn't want to have to throw them away if they got mouldy. I was feeding 6 hen's and the rooster out of the feed bucket. Now I have added 2 more pullet's to the group to intregate. I have 4 more younger pullet's in the growout pen that will join my group when they are big enough. Yes, I have another bucket and the kit to make another feed bucket if it's needed.
Was cleaning out the brooder yesterday. When I went into the room seems they doubled in size over night. their feathers are def making a show.


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They look beautiful! Some people think this is the “awkward” stage, but I love the first feathers!
Me too!

When I had my first chicks, I read about the "awkward teenage phase" and it never happened. OH! They mean the phase when they go from cute fluffy chicks to getting feathers? That's just a different form of cute!
Hello everyone! I hatched out some Bielefelder chicks a few days ago from shipped eggs.

The chicks range in color from dark to light and I’m already having a hard time picking which I want to keep. 😅

Are roosters of this breed generally aggressive with others? My plan is to keep 2 cockerels for breeding in separate pens and let the others free range in a rooster only flock if that could be done successfully.




@RJ_K26 Where did you order the egg's from? The girl's will have that darker "V" on the head's, so keep those one's for sure.

I started hatching what I have now almost a year ago. The rooster that I decided to keep when he was younger because I liked his look's better grew up and he isn't agressive to human's. He turn's and goes in the opposite direction. He has never been hit or kicked, ect., and just goes the other way on his own. When I go into the coop to check for egg's, he peeks his head around the corner to watch, but stay's out in the pen. He will warn the girl's about predator's though, and that is how he earned his name of Hawkeye.

I have 2 more younger Bielefelder cockerel's then him here, and neither of those are Hawkeye's son's.
@RJ_K26 Where did you order the egg's from? The girl's will have that darker "V" on the head's, so keep those one's for sure.

I started hatching what I have now almost a year ago. The rooster that I decided to keep when he was younger because I liked his look's better grew up and he isn't agressive to human's. He turn's and goes in the opposite direction. He has never been hit or kicked, ect., and just goes the other way on his own. When I go into the coop to check for egg's, he peeks his head around the corner to watch, but stay's out in the pen. He will warn the girl's about predator's though, and that is how he earned his name of Hawkeye.

I have 2 more younger Bielefelder cockerel's then him here, and neither of those are Hawkeye's son's.
He sounds like the perfect rooster! I hope my little guys have such qualities.🤞

I got the eggs from eBay. I ordered 18, and the seller sent an extra. Unfortunately one egg was cracked and a few eggs didn’t develop past a few days. I did assist with two hatches and ended up with 13 chicks! From what I can tell I have 8 pullets and 5 cockerels. I definitely plan on keeping all the pullets 😁

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