Bigzio's 3rd annual WI Cheesehead Chickenstock has been scheduled!

TO get off that horse !!! You're slacking. You forgot Jim on the Bash Guess list !! Plus updates aren't being made !!!! Just sayin. You yelled at me for buttin in once. So hop to it girl !!!
You girls are lucky my wheels are still "in the shop"! I'd run you all over just so you don't bicker! Naughty little girls! May have to put you in both in a corner when we get to camp! Now play nice or no cherries or apple shots!

No plant's from me this year, I thinned out anything anyone would want last year. Next year I should have some.


Dose anyone else want chicks? I have Amy's order.

See you in a few days!
Anyone have any Ameraucana chicks? Julie is hoping to get some at the bash....
I was gonna say I have a couple itty bitties! I think! lol My americana roo is in with my americana hen BUT theres also EE (hens and roo) in there. there are some all black chicks from in there

TO I'm bringing sweet peppers and cheese for the BBQs also I'm bringing pumpkin bars and baked potato chips. I think that was it lol
back to painting in the combs and beaks, I'm currentally painting BF4M shirt!

thinking next year it's gonna have to be a different design, my screen is wearing out lol
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Hi guys!

No internet at our new house yet, so I snuck over to the neighbor's to post quick! DH and I are coming to the bash - just for the day on Saturday. We'll bring a pasta salad and a desert.

I have an adult pair (last year's hatch) of Blue Calls I was thinking of bringing if anyone's interested, and I have some ducklings hatching literally right now that I will bring along if they hatch in time - I have lots of pips and one zipping, but none of them are out yet! A couple of older Call ducklings too - recessive white sports out of my Magpie pen that I can't sex yet, and a Blue Bibbed female who's been a little bit of a runt and needs extra love. I have tons of landscaping to do in my new yard, so I will trade for ANY perennial flowers! Oh, I have Dutch Hookbill adult pairs too if anyone wants them - I have wayyy too many from last year's hatch, I haven't even hatched any of them this year - they're laying over a dozen eggs a day and I'm drowning in them! They're way better layers than chickens, bigger eggs too - but the trade-off is that they're messier. Oh, and I have a couple of Columbian Cochin roos. Sweet boys from last year's hatch, not like the jerk-face meanie roo I had along last year. You know, the usual.

I'll try to get back online tomorrow afternoon. I don't want to bring any birds along and have to smell them in the car all the way there if no one wants them and I have to smell them all the way back too!
Hi guys!

No internet at our new house yet, so I snuck over to the neighbor's to post quick! DH and I are coming to the bash - just for the day on Saturday. We'll bring a pasta salad and a desert.

I have an adult pair (last year's hatch) of Blue Calls I was thinking of bringing if anyone's interested, and I have some ducklings hatching literally right now that I will bring along if they hatch in time - I have lots of pips and one zipping, but none of them are out yet! A couple of older Call ducklings too - recessive white sports out of my Magpie pen that I can't sex yet, and a Blue Bibbed female who's been a little bit of a runt and needs extra love. I have tons of landscaping to do in my new yard, so I will trade for ANY perennial flowers! Oh, I have Dutch Hookbill adult pairs too if anyone wants them - I have wayyy too many from last year's hatch, I haven't even hatched any of them this year - they're laying over a dozen eggs a day and I'm drowning in them! They're way better layers than chickens, bigger eggs too - but the trade-off is that they're messier. Oh, and I have a couple of Columbian Cochin roos. Sweet boys from last year's hatch, not like the jerk-face meanie roo I had along last year. You know, the usual.

I'll try to get back online tomorrow afternoon. I don't want to bring any birds along and have to smell them in the car all the way there if no one wants them and I have to smell them all the way back too!
any of them (the calls) like 2-4 weeks old? they would fit right in with mine. let me know I would love some different colors (black/white?). But don't tell my DH. LMBO!
ps, PM me with how muck they are.
how we gonna handle coffee this year at the bash? that weenie little coffee pot was NOT enough.... lol I have a keurig? but it's like 60 cents a cup... so unless everyone brings a box of k cups (of their choice) that's not an option lol does anyone have a bigger coffee pot?
ps I'm bringing baked oatmeal for breakfast too as a side to what ever you eat lol TO I never looked it up but would baked oatmeal have Gluten in it? IDK what it's all in? this has old fashion oatmeal, brown sugar, egg, baking powder, milk, ( I feel like I typed this once before lol) butter, and salt I think that's it. lol does regular flour have gluten in it? cause my pumpkin bars have a pie crust. sorry TO

I got someone who MIGHT want some guinies BUT I may have some soon lol stupid birds!
back to painting the T's.
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Evening All...glad you are gonna make the bash SF! I think someone was looking for calls..

I can't help out with a bigger coffee pot raim, maybe someone else can. Someone borrowed a big one from church and didn't return we can't take them from church anymore....always one person has to ruin it for others.

First batch of venzun jerky will be done around 9pm...this is the spicy batch. I'll taste and adjust the next batch for a more mild, less spicy taste. Gotta have a sack of jerky to pass around the campfire!

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