Bill the Roo


8 Years
Apr 2, 2016
Ft Leonard Woood, Missouri
I decided that Bill the Cinnamon Queen roo had spent enough time in "solitary" due to his picking on two of the older hens...and thus he was released this evening. Hopefully he has learned his lesson on being a bully,
Confining them for that type of behavior usually takes months to change. He will probably be back at it tomorrow.
Never tried this, chickens wouldnt know what you are punishing them for therefore most likely the habit wont be broken. But do let me know if it has worked with Bill.
What do you mean by picking on the hens? Was he trying to breed them? Roosters are always dominant over the hens..a feather plucked out or a peck on the head by the Rooster is normal. They also chase the hens around if he thinks they are too far away and peck them. If two hens squabble he might run over and fight with one for being mean....All chickens fight at times and have a very well established pecking order.
Leave the Rooster out...They will figure it out.

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