Biosecurity question :Broody hatching eggs from another farm

crazy huhn

16 Years
May 24, 2008
I do not have a rooster anymore, so I was thinking of putting some fertile eggs under my broody hen from another farm or maybe even some mail order ones from another BYC member. So far I always hatched in my incubator, but this year I thought it would be fun to do it with a broody. However, I am always concerned about the biosecurity. Is there a health risk for my flock by putting fertile eggs from another farm under my broody or what do I have to do to minimize that?
There are some diseases that are transmitted through the egg. A common practice of many hatcheries is to vaccinate before they hatch, while still in the egg.

Now here is something to mull over, I don't believe that the risk would be any greater then to have wild birds visit your flock. Even birds flying over the run that is not roofed and leaving droppings in your pen can spread parasites and disease.
Sure, similar if I go to visit a different poultry farm. However, I always change my entire clothes and shoes, usually even take a shower before going to see my chickens when back home. Paranoid or just better safe than sorry.........

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