Bird barn in the making


Apr 2, 2018
So, we have 20 chicks and at least 6 guineas to start our bird family. Hubby and I are converting this old metal building into a bird barn and felt like posting some pics of progress. The first shot is of the guinea area and the other two cover the chicken area. Netting and flooring going in today. Our 7/8 week old chicks move in tomorrow along with the guineas we pickup tomorrow afternoon. Both areas are contained for separation, they will be close, but cut off.
Any thoughts, suggestions, comments? I welcome all! The floors are approx 3 feet off the ground.


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Looking good. :thumbsup

My chicken shed is a 40x40 pole building that we are currently converting to wood for better insulation. I have lots of room and lots of different pens. It sure is nice to have such luxuries.
Why are you elevating the coop? For 20+ birds, you should be building right on the ground. What does the layout look like?
Elevated to lessen predator dig under and to keep warmer. The birds will free range during the day, this barn is just for sleeping and bad weather (at least that is the plan) an outside run will be added in the near future.
Dimensions in the chicken area are 7'x25'.
Making it warmer should not be a concern. Deterring diggers can be rectified by simply laying down hardware cloth and covering it with litter. The ability to walk into the coop is priceless. Building a 25' elevated structure involves some serious engineering and costs. I would go with just some hardware cloth 8' walls for the interior, roof it to prevent climbing predators ( they can all find ways into a barn) a door and 4 nesting boxes and you're done.
I completely missed that, now I'm wondering that too.
Making it warmer should not be a concern. Deterring diggers can be rectified by simply laying down hardware cloth and covering it with litter. The ability to walk into the coop is priceless. Building a 25' elevated structure involves some serious engineering and costs. I would go with just some hardware cloth 8' walls for the interior, roof it to prevent climbing predators ( they can all find ways into a barn) a door and 4 nesting boxes and you're done.
Fantastic advice lady, thank you!
The only thing to add is some natural lighting. If you have big sliding doors, you can leave them open in the winter or take down a metal panel and replace it with a clear polycarbonate one.
Our weather is comparable. Mine stay up in the snow and rain. If winds are over 20 mph, they don't go out either. Building a partially covered run will be nice in he winter.
Agrees raised floor in there might not be a good idea.
What does barn floor consists of?

I put HC on wood floor of my coop shed to deter rodents chewing in,
but covered with single sheet of heavy vinyl.

Would not have HC on floor where birds could scratch at it,
just asking for foot injures and possible subsequent 'bumblefoot' infections.

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