Bird Flu US


Jun 10, 2015
Any one else concerned about the recent bird flu found in TN? To all of you in TN are you hearing anything about your back yard flocks and what to do? Any one from Britain etc can give us over here in the US some advice about how it all started over there? Did it start in a factory farm and then spread? Feel so bad for all those birds :( Any info/ advice, would be appreciated. Thanks!
I'm not a conspiracy nut but Avian Flu is rampant in Asian countries with little control other than killing birds AFTER symptomatic. Nearly ALL domestic chicken meat/eggs in our grocery stores come from production farms who ship live birds to China for processing and shipped back into US for packaging and distribution - cheap labor. China does not have the same safety regulations for poultry as the US and I question if the birds killed for Avian Flu don't end up into processing. They may not find their way into the US but certainly if this processing is conducted in same plants that indigenous poultry is processed, it's relatively easy to see how the pathogen contaminates processing equipment and comes back to the US production farms and into their facilities.

So the short answer from me is YES I'm concerned and have increased my flock this year because of that concern.

Multiple Reuters Articles.
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I've had my flock of ducks and chickens in lockdown since early December, and according to DEFRA rules we have to keep them in until April 30th (at least...) :(

We have been told to keep all birds inside, and if possible, have strict biosecurity in place (foot dips etc). Shows, sales and auctions are also banned until further notice.

I think the reason why we are having to take such large measures, is because we are such a tiny island, and there have been numerous cases up and down the country...... At one point an outbreak was only 20 mins away :/

However, the USA is a HUGE (or at least to a Brit) country, so the chances of there being an epidemic is tiny. Not only that, but it's mainly the massive commercial flocks that become infected. If there was a real risk, than your goverment would give poultry keepers a warning, and give you advice. Avian Influenza is spread by migratory birds (mainly waterfowl), through contact with poultry, or through their poop.

Hope this helps,
I spent 6 hrs in the hospital Friday night. I saw facemasks every time I turned around.

I spent 10 days in the hospital around August last year, and they were checking me for tuberculosis.

Its be careful folks.

They still haven't figured out what's killing me....but I have a theory: ME!!! ....and some bourbon....
Gosh, I feel for you. I can't even imagine having to keep my flock inside. Mine are so used to free ranging they would go crazy! Good luck to you! I get where you are coming from that the UK is an island and is contained but here we are all connected and I'm so so so worried that the Tennessee strain will spread North. I'm in WI and they have very recently found another strain, not as bad as TN, here in the western part of the state. Additionally, right now it is time for all wild birds to start migrating North. If wild fowl came in contact with TN fowl and then come north naturally....... I don't know if our government would give us the heads up like it sounds like you had. For those of us with back yard "pet" flocks here, it would be devastating to have a knock on the door saying they had to kill all of our animals. So, I need to ask you, when you first heard about it over there did it seem far away and then LATER you were told to quarantine? I live in a very agriculturally based state and I am not agricultural, I love my ducks and want them to live out their natural lives. Who knows if the US will deal with Bird Flu like the UK. I just want warning so I can quarantine if need be with out loosing my back yard flock for no reason. Thanks dear, hope they lift the ban end of April and all is okay for all of you!.
I'm not a conspiracy nut but Avian Flu is rampant in Asian countries with little control other than killing birds AFTER symptomatic. Nearly ALL domestic chicken meat/eggs in our grocery stores come from production farms who ship live birds to China for processing and shipped back into US for packaging and distribution - cheap labor. China does not have the same safety regulations for poultry as the US and I question if the birds killed for Avian Flu don't end up into processing. They may not find their way into the US but certainly if this processing is conducted in same plants that indigenous poultry is processed, it's relatively easy to see how the pathogen contaminates processing equipment and comes back to the US production farms and into their facilities.

So the short answer from me is YES I'm concerned and have increased my flock this year because of that concern.

Multiple Reuters Articles.
Interesting article. I'm not a conspiracy theorist either but I do think ahead. My flock is a back yard pet flock and I don't want them at risk anymore than someone who earns their living that way. We have the same battle. Further, I heard about the whole, send to China to slaughter can that possibly be "cheaper" than doing it here. I mean, come on! Besides the animal welfare aspect, how can we possibly send livestock, grown here, over seas to be slaughtered, only to be sent back here to end up in the grocery store???? Very easy to see the connection of how it got here.
​Gosh, I feel for you.  I can't even imagine having to keep my flock inside.  Mine are so used to free ranging they would go crazy!  Good luck to you!  I get where you are coming from that the UK is an island and is contained but here we are all connected and I'm so so so worried that the Tennessee strain will spread North.    I'm in WI and they have very recently found another strain, not as bad as TN, here in the western part of the state.  Additionally, right now it is time for all wild birds to start migrating North.  If wild fowl came in contact with TN fowl and then come north naturally.......  I don't know if our government would give us the heads up like it sounds like you had.  For those of us with back yard "pet" flocks here, it would be devastating to have a knock on the door saying they had to kill all of our animals.  So, I need to ask you, when you first heard about it over there did it seem far away and then LATER you were told to quarantine?  I live in a very agriculturally based state and I am not agricultural, I love my ducks and want them to live out their natural lives.  Who knows if the US will deal with Bird Flu like the UK. I just want warning so I can quarantine if need be with out loosing my back yard flock for no reason.  Thanks dear, hope they lift the ban end of April and all is okay for all of you!. 

They announced the lock down before AI even hit the UK- everyone just thought it was a load of rubbish, and didn't take it seriously, until 600 turkeys were culled a week later in Linconshire. Recently I drove past a farm were 9300 pheasants were culled and it really creeped me out seeing all of the DEFRA signs. Good luck.

ETA: I wouldn't get too concerned until you get an epidemic- it sounds like you might just have an isolated case. We get AI cases most winters in the UK, but people only got really concerned when they started to find several cases a day.
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It's also in Northern Alabama, and as of now, it has only shut down statewide swaps and shows and whatnot where you'd bring a bunch of birds together and then they all go back home (same or different ones) again. Sales to individuals is still ok and as of now, commercial sales need to be from an AI and something out tested negative seller.

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