Bird Flu


5 Years
Jan 29, 2019
Cumbria UK
So today is the first day of duckie lockdown here in UK. I didn't even know about it until late yesterday afternoon! So had no time to prepare. I've been looking online but struggling to find any answers to how long it will last. Anyone have an idea?
They have said it's under constant review so no end date as yet. The issue is that the numbers are still going up in Western Europe and a lot of those birds will be migrating (over the UK) until at least the end of January, so highly unlikely to be before February at best IMO. At present much of the coastal regions of the UK have been put into high risk areas (APHA interactive map)

The last time there was an avian flu lockdown in the UK it lasted from December 2016 until March 2017 and another back in 2012-2013 so it is worth considering a restricted area when building or upgrading your run. The 2012 strain (H5N1) also affected cats, fortunately that isn't the prevalent strain this time.

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