Birds of a feather (colour)


Apr 15, 2023
My Mystic Onyx roo over-mates my Mystic Onyx hen, who is bullied by everyone.

My four blue Ameracaunas stick together, which doesn't surprise me, they were a separate flock when I got them. At least now they act as a sub-group within the flock rather than staying apart entirely.

My Whiting's True Blue hen wants to hang out with my Easter Egger hen, who is three years older than all the others and mean to everyone, including WTB. WTB was added in the same group of youngsters as both Mystic Onyx, and stuck with them as a youngster. WTB and EE have the same feather pattern.

Is this a typical thing?

If I add more black hens, is my rooster likely to ease up on the mystic onyx hen? I want to add more black hens anyway.
Yes. It is where the phrase "birds of a feather flock together" comes from. Birds prefer to hang out with birds that look like them. It is one of the reasons a mother hen can sometimes reject a chick that doesn't look like the others.

:goodpost:Chickens are known racists. Back when I had more ISA brown, them and the landraces always slept separately

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