Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Penny: Wait WHAT???? There's a rooster named Penny?!?!?!
Henny: Sorry we haven't been on for a while...busy... :/
Louise: Hello, new chickens!
Midge: I want my beard back! I have a weird flap of skin where it used to be now!
Audrey: Mom wants a d'anvers!
Akira: She no longer wants a baconvelder, though. Our feed store only sells straight run banties though!
Henny: Bisquick, you guys are lucky your feed store let's you have just one chick at a time...
Elizabeth: What's Valentines Day Sunny?
Sunny(Sundira): I dunno.
Elizabeth: Will we have sisters wherever we go??
Sunny: I dunno!
Elizabeth: Will we go to school???
Sunny: I DUNNO!!!
Elizabeth: *whimper*
Sunny: Sorry...
Elizabeth: *whispers* Will we have friends????
Sunny: LIZZY!
Princess: Woah. A rooster has a girl's name? That's weird...
Gertie: Ya. that would be annoying if that guy bothered you at a valentines party.....
Captain Flint: Happy Valentines Day everyone! How many people know the real story? 'Wings is gonna tell us today....
Lady: There was this big pretty animal free ranging in front of our run today.
Terry: It's called "adear"
Gertie: I decided to add speckles to my egg. You know- valentine's decorations!
Princess: Mine looks more like a valentines egg, and it has speckles too
Lady: Why bother laying an egg on a holiday
Captain Flint: Woah. What happened to everybody?
Princess: Did we scare them off?

Terry: Maybe they were just celebrating Valentine's day.....
Akira: We were not scared off! Just free-ranging!
Henny: We ate grass!
Penny: And Mommy cleaned our coop! It smells so good...
Louise: Like fresh wood!
Midge: 'Cause it is!
Louise: Whatever. Can you guys believe I'm going to be a HEN in 8 days?
Midge: Me too! I'm so excited, it will be my first birthday!
Audrey: The rest of us have to wait until March...
Henny: Same here!
Penny: I got a picture drawn of me today!!!!
Midge: Lucky...
Henny: Well, I'm Mom's avatar.
Penny: I was Mom's original avatar!
Louise: Quiet guys! Mommy loves us all!
Audrey: Why else would she feed us mealworms?
Akira: And carrots!
Tucker: Cockadoodle Doooooooooo... Good Morning all
Maxie: We all made mom happy yesterday, she got 4 blue eggs

Sweet Pea: I loved watching her face when she came back down and found another egg.
Miss Muffet: You should have seen her face when she came out to the coop and found 2 more!
Snowflake: Morning everyone *waves*
Runaway: Morning.
Missy: Hope everyone had a great Friday and will have a grand Saturday.
Runaway: Mom says they will be gone all day tomorrow to a rabbit show.
Snowflake: what's a rabbit??
Runaway: It's those furry things in the garage
Snowflake: OH that's what they are.... They sure dont talk much.
Tucker: You should see the ones in the basement where we are. They are HUGE!!!
Sweet Pea: and some of the have babies.
Captain Flint: We had a pretty good day yesterday.
Lady: It was beautiful and sunny all day!
Terry: But then two shorter people came and chased us and picked us up.
Lady: And gave you treats when they picked you up.
Gertie: And they accidentally let us out. :) So we got to stay outside even after they left :)
Princess: Terry, why are you in my nesting box?
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