Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Gertie: Hi guys!!! We're back!!! The shorter people have been gone for ten days to California, so we couldn't get on.
Princess: It was strange, but not totally unpleasant, to go for days without them grabbing you, lifting you off your feet high into the air, and squeezing you. But they also couldn't keep Terry from pecking me. AHEM.
Lady: Oooh! Nicknames! I have a lot of nicknames! Li'l Lady, Lady Loo, Lady-kins, Ladina, Arwen (my name in Elvish), Winny, Broody, Broodina, and as of today, Poof. There's probably more that I can't think of...
Gertie: Umm...let's see... I have... Gertie Goof, Gertie Goofus, Goof face, Gertie-girl, Floofers, Fluffers, and Puff.
Princess: The names which the people call me are (other than my own name, of course): Miss Princess, Princesa, Tarien ( my name in Elvish), and Tarry.
Miss Terry: Mine are Terry, and Terry-kins. Oh, and they also like to call me Bossy.
Gertie: Well, there ya' go! All our nicknames :D
Lady: Well, most of them... :)
Marie: Today we were let out for a really long time :)
Lilly: And THANKFULLY Layla ( mommy's dog) wasn't out.
Marie: Yea really. She gives me a heart attack.
Lilly: We played in the fresh new mulch :D
Marie: Yea, and we got yelled at by Grampy cause he doesn't like us near the new mulch.
Marie: SHHHH! He'll here you!
Cheep: We were let out for a little bit the s'morning.
Brownie: Yup :) And we saw our baby sister.
Mocha: They're so cute :3
Peep: They are evil!
Brownie: NOT AW!
Mocha: You gave us the worst time when we moved in with you. That is how I got this battle wound as mommy says.
Brownie: Yea, so we are going to be nice to the newcomers.
Mocha: We will teach them all about worms and where to scratch and where the bugs are :)
Cheep: Well I will teach them the pecking order and how I am at the top!
Kiki: We haven't been on here in a while. How is everyone?
Sylver: Why doesn't mommy like my egg song? I do it as loud as I can, right by her door when she's sleeping! :(
Maple: So, did we tell you guys about the new crew?
Gertie: Hi guys!!! We're back!!! The shorter people have been gone for ten days to California, so we couldn't get on.
Princess: It was strange, but not totally unpleasant, to go for days without them grabbing you, lifting you off your feet high into the air, and squeezing you. But they also couldn't keep Terry from pecking me. AHEM.
Lady: Oooh! Nicknames! I have a lot of nicknames! Li'l Lady, Lady Loo, Lady-kins, Ladina, Arwen (my name in Elvish), Winny, Broody, Broodina, and as of today, Poof. There's probably more that I can't think of...
Gertie: Umm...let's see... I have... Gertie Goof, Gertie Goofus, Goof face, Gertie-girl, Floofers, Fluffers, and Puff.
Princess: The names which the people call me are (other than my own name, of course): Miss Princess, Princesa, Tarien ( my name in Elvish), and Tarry.
Miss Terry: Mine are Terry, and Terry-kins. Oh, and they also like to call me Bossy.
Gertie: Well, there ya' go! All our nicknames :D
Lady: Well, most of them... :)
Lady: Some of the food people also call Gertie and I the ditzy blonds, because we're buff colored. But we aren't ditzy! Are we?
Gertie: Most emphatically not.
Terry: *whispers* Gertie is a bit ditzy looking with her puffer cheeks, and Lady is very silly to be constantly sitting on her nest so....
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Spirit: We're the new crew!
Sparrow: We hatched in April. I don't think we've posted here yet.
Shadow: Mommy's set some more eggs! We're so excited.
Rain: I'm glad mommy wants to change my name. I don't like it that much.
Spirit: Shadow and I are roosters!
Rain: COCKERELS, Spirit, cockerels.
Spirit: Whatever. :p
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