Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Speck: Hi everybody! Mommy said I can chat if she watches me and listens to all of my conversations.

Sun: Hi!
Snow: Hi!
Pumpkin: Hi!
Sun: We're best bestest besty friends!
Pumpkin: Yeah! And we are almost 2 months old! YAY!

Junior: I really don't like molting. I don't feel very good when I molt.

Snap: Aw, Juni, I know how you feel.
Bisquick: It's okay, Junior, soon enough you'll be done with molting and laying eggs again!! :)
Junior: *sniff* I guess so.
Buttermilk: And when you're done we'll throw a party. :3
Snap: Hey what about me!!!
Bisquick: Oh yes, of course you too Snappers.
Buttermilk: I was just kidding about the party idea though. :p
Junior: *sniff*

Sun, Snow, Pumpkin: wonder when we're going to lay eggs?


Mohawk: I hate molting too, but I'm almost done so YAY!

Petrie: we're not molting yet, we will next year. But Mir still gets to wear sweaters >->

Kiki: Mommy is going to take my eggs and candle them to see if they're still alive

Ella: Yay, Kiki!
Mir: Malibu's working on our Christmas presents. I get to help make Ella's and Ella gets to help make mine. The big girls get stuff too. But seeing that we're the pets, we get better things :3

Junior: *sneeze* *sniff* I don't like molting. :(
[Buttermilk is on the roosting bar reading Cooplife Magazine]
Snap: *flies down from loft*
Buttermilk: *waves Snap's feathers out of her face* Pblth, Snap, stop flying everywhere *continues waving wing* you get so much feathers *waves wing* everywhere and- AAAHHH!!! *falls off roost*
Bisquick: Gees Buttermilk!!! What on earth happened??!!
Buttermilk: Well, Snap flew down from the loft and it snowed feathers and I was waving them away and I lost my balance and FELL OFF THE ROOST BISQUICK MARIE STOLTZFUS!!!!!
Bisquick: My word!! Okay, chill out. Where's Juni? There's a couple posts for her on BYC.
Junior: Oh good!! :3 I like it when I get mail. :)
Snap: *shakes off*
Buttermilk: Snap stop- *COUGH COUGH** AHEM A-A-AHEEEEEM!!!! *starts choking* AR PBLTH C!!! SNAP!!!
Snap: She's choking!!! D:
Junior: Quick get her some water!!!
Bisquick: *go gets water* Okay now, what we have to do is rinse the feather down her throat with the water and-
Junior: *grabs bucket dumps water on Buttermilk*
Buttermilk: JUNIOR OLIVIA!!!!!
Junior: Oops. :)
[After many attempts of water Buttermilk chokes up the feather.]
Buttermilk: *gasp gasp*
Bisquick: Okay, now for you two molters *looks at Snap and Junior* NO FLYING OR SHAKING OFF!!!!!
Snap and Junior: AAwww.. :(

Ella: I had my mini-molt awhile ago. There were feathers everywhere and Malibu was all 'o-o Did something attack you?" and I was all "Nope I had my mini-molt'.
Mir: I want more grapes.
Ella: Malibu gave us some yesterday.
Mir: But I want more today.
Ella: Ask Malibu for some. she said she'd make us our favorite garlic oats today.
Mir: OH YAY!

Omlete: The tomatoes and blueberries this morning were sooooo good!
Speck: Yeah they were amazing!
Fry: Speck, you didn't even have any tomatoes and blueberries.*rolls eyes*

Sun: I wonder when we can go in with the big chickens?
Pumpkin: Are you kidding me! They'd peck at us!
Snow: I'm happy right where I am

Pippy: I like to chase the wild rabbits and tiny birds that fly close to the ground at our house. There aren't as many rabbits around cause Peanut isn't here. :(
Buttermilk: Sorry about Louise, A.Annie crew. :( 

Midge: Thanks, Buttermilk.
Henny: Tiny birds fear us because of Akira.
Akira: They don't stand a chance against me! *puffs up feathers*
Henny: For some reason, Akira has taken it upon herself to flap, shriek, and generally cause mass panic every time she sees a song bird...:rolleyes:

Does anyone else have chickens who chase birds? Akira only started this Spring, with robins, but now she HATES them! She runs at them screaming...she is a strange hen.

And Earlybird, I remember some of that...Kiki and her egg!
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Elanor: It's snowing! A half-inch! Winter has begun!
Colonel: You think Streamflow Coopschool Academy will be closed Tuesday?
Marianne: That would be cool, but we usually have 2 feet of snow by March. They try not to do snow days unless the roads are glare ice or they get two feet of snow overnight. Which has happened before, but not until January.
Sophia: Hold the phone, we just got a Streamflow e-mail

Dear Streamflow students:
We are now headed into winter. Here in Feather mountains, as many of you know, winter is the season of unpredictable
weather ranging from thirty degrees to negative twenty. Please wear your woolen uniforms instead of cotton starting now,
and wear your school-assigned sweaters. We would prefer you also wear your long-sleeved shirts. Pullets and Hens, time to wear your longer skirts. Roos, please wear your woolen pants. We also ask that each chicken wear a school-assigned or grey or deep ocean blue coat, grey or deep ocean blue boots, leg warmers,scarf, and comb and wattle warmers.
The school's furnace system is all fired up and ready to go. Buses will be operating normally until further notice. Please stay warm.
Thanks, Streamflow Staff.
Elanor: It's snowing! A half-inch! Winter has begun!
Colonel: You think Streamflow Coopschool Academy will be closed Tuesday?
Marianne: That would be cool, but we usually have 2 feet of snow by March. They try not to do snow days unless the roads are glare ice or they get two feet of snow overnight. Which has happened before, but not until January.
Sophia: Hold the phone, we just got a Streamflow e-mail

Dear Streamflow students:
We are now headed into winter. Here in Feather mountains, as many of you know, winter is the season of unpredictable
weather ranging from thirty degrees to negative twenty. Please wear your woolen uniforms instead of cotton starting now,
and wear your school-assigned sweaters. We would prefer you also wear your long-sleeved shirts. Pullets and Hens, time to wear your longer skirts. Roos, please wear your woolen pants. We also ask that each chicken wear a school-assigned or grey or deep ocean blue coat, grey or deep ocean blue boots, leg warmers,scarf, and comb and wattle warmers.
The school's furnace system is all fired up and ready to go. Buses will be operating normally until further notice. Please stay warm.
Thanks, Streamflow Staff.
Sunshine: Give me a picture of you wering your school unifoms!
Quote: (Me: They don't really go to school, and they don't have clothes. The school element is pretty much made-up. I'll see if I can edit a photo or make a paint picture though, that would be interesting.)

Marianne: We only have coopschool co-op at streamflow once a week, plus Ellie does track and Colonel does flight team.
Elanor:I like the uniforms!
Sophia: I don't.
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