Bitten by my chicken

I had a peculiar experience last night. My hen, Sweet, bit me. I've been pecked before but this was so weird. She barely applied any pressure so it didn't hurt. If anything, the feeling of her tongue against my hand was the most unnerving thing.

Has anyone else been bitten like this?

Wow, that's pretty weird. So she was gently tasting you? Maybe your hand was salty and she was wanting some salt. I've had other creatures do this to me, from wasps to goats. They're in it for the salt.
Sounds like a chicken coup. I'd keep an eye on 'em. They have all day to plot against humans while hanging out. It only takes one to start a revolution. :D I have to wear long sleeves and pants otherwise they attack my tattoos. I have one now that growls and hisses if you get near her when she's in the laying box. Other than that shes sweet as sugar.
I've been bitten like that a few times, but I've also had food in my hand. Broodies will peck you or at least think about it. I wouldn't really worry about it all that much.
She barely applied any pressure so it didn't hurt. If anything, the feeling of her tongue against my hand was the most unnerving thing.

Has anyone else been bitten like this?
Nope.....and it sounds very different than the typical type 'bites' like....
from broodiness, or hand feeding aggression, or taking an egg out from under on nest.
What was the scenario.....what were you doing to have your hand close when she did this?
Was she in a nest, on the roost, sitting on your lap....or.....?

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