bitting chick

Mine only did it until they got used to being around us. I think we used to scare them.

I've had them for over a month and the behavior just started.

I wore shoes into the coop today and they didn't peck me...I guess my toes look like worms.
Thank goodness I'm not alone! My 6 week old cochin has been biting me the past few days. She'll just run up to me and bite me on the foot or hand when I enter the coop (6x10). She's free range too. She used to ride on my shoulder, now she bites me...I know how skittish you all feel! I've had crabby barred rocks, but I never thought my cochin would go grouchy!
My year old hens LOVE toes! They don't bother them when I don't have nail polish on but if I have nail polish and sandals on they like to peck at my toes innocently. I think they are just curious. They did the same thing as babies, but have never nipped me on the fingers.

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