Black Cochin hen going blind!??


6 Years
Sep 5, 2017
We thought Peeps must have been pecked in an eye. She kept keeping it closed so we treated the eye as if it was.
She is losing weight and the hen who she hung out with her whole life is pushing her away. Took them for a walk yesterday and shes stumbling over things which are close and under her. I did get her to eat, she still does see some to peck at food and walk some. I have to come in from the front slow to pick her up as doing so from the back startles her. Our Cochin rooster seems fine with her still. Very NOT like her as shes very friendly and fun. I noticed her good eye she was starting to close it too.
They are not cloudy, the pupils are reacting, no discharge from her eyes or nose at all. We are going to isolate her in a playpen in the house so she can have access to food, i have started her on oral vitamins made for chickens and today 25-50 mg of Amoxicillin a day. (or 2 times a day?) She is NOT easy to give meds too.
She is about 6 years old.
Is there ANY advice on her treatment or condition

The oral supplement i started is Rooster Booster Poultry Cell. It says use daily.

Amoxicillin. She is a very light hen, and has lost weight. The pills i have are from a Vet and new(it was for my cat is is now better. They are 100MG.
What dose should i give x day?

Our vet moved and there are no vets around any longer who will treat a chicken.
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Can you post any pictures of her eyes? Does she have weakness in either leg, and can her roes grab on to your finger? By keeping her eye closed, there may be some irritation in her eye. I would flush her eye with saline or eye wash, and apply a small dab of either Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin into her eye 2-3 times a day.amoxicillin dosage for chickens is 50 mg per pound twice a day. I would try to keep her inside a dog crate inside your run, so that she stays part of the flock. Otherwise, it may be difficult to get her back in there.
Can you post any pictures of her eyes? Does she have weakness in either leg, and can her roes grab on to your finger? By keeping her eye closed, there may be some irritation in her eye. I would flush her eye with saline or eye wash, and apply a small dab of either Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin into her eye 2-3 times a day.amoxicillin dosage for chickens is 50 mg per pound twice a day. I would try to keep her inside a dog crate inside your run, so that she stays part of the flock. Otherwise, it may be difficult to get her back in there.
We have been using Neosporin triple antibiotic on her eye for over a week thinking it was injured. No help. Now she is starting to close the other eye.
She does not appear weak. Coordination is ok, she did drink water this AM. She for sure is not as active as she normally is. Nor eating like normal. Even treats. We are looking out for Marburg symptoms.
I doubt she even weighs a pound .
Her pupils do react to light.
She is inside. We have a pen set up with food, water.
Best photos i could get quickly. Need better ones let me know.

Daughters hen, she is out of town and i just started treating her myself.
What i noticed is under her closed eye, on the lower eyelid, is a white spot and it is swollen there some. Her "good" eye does not have that

I just gave her her first does of Amox. She is a total b-tch to give meds too. Grrr....

Thank you!


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Why would you be concerned about Marburg symptoms? What is your general location?
North Georgia. We have ALOT of rain and its been soggy all winter.

Nothing specific, just when a pet gets sick you shotgun the symptoms to narrow down the cause. Injury, bacterial, viral, fungal. Runny nose, eyes, coughing, imbalance and the condition of the fecal droppings. All that stuff.

My first day taking care of Peeps. When i called my daughter this AM she said she switched from the ointment to a microbial rinse once a day.
I had mentioned to her a few days ago a rinse, maybe a warm compress. But as she is pulling her hair out getting her wedding together and its only 5 weeks away.....

After a week with no improvement now that i am involved i am troubleshooting her condition from scratch.
Wife is off to get new eye rinse and fresh ointment. And a pill cutter.

All the other chickens are fine.

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