Black copper maran or black australorp?



Mar 14, 2020
West texas
These babies are driving me crazy. From my research, I'm pretty sure they are black australorps but the seller keeps telling me that where she buys her eggs they dont breed black australorps. She keeps telling me they are black copper marans. They have black legs and ink on the bottom of their feet. They're 5.5 weeks old now. Solid black with white tis on their wings. If they're black australorps then I feel much more confident that this one is a pullet. Not sure if marans grow combs early on like australorps.


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Ok, so I talked to the seller of the eggs today. She said she cant say for sure what I have but she told me the breeds she has. She has Dominiques, barred rocks, giant cochins, red sexlinks, and olive eggers. Our best guess is these are olive eggers. She said the breeds are in seperate pens so theyll be full bred and the olive eggers are black. So, we will see when they start laying.

Well, I guess as full bred as olive eggers can get. She said the rooster is a maran which is maybe why the lady who sold me the chicks kept saying they were marans.
No feathers on their legs. I brought that up to the seller and she kept telling me some marans have clean legs. I've never had marans so I'm totally clueless on the breed. I kept telling her I think they're australorps but she insisted the breeder didnt have australorps
Nope. These are BA's. No BCM's have clean legs unless they're not BCM's.
I have one black Australorp hen that had a white feather on the tip of each wing. Every cross I've hatched from her is ether solid black or a little white around the face with a white feather on each wing. This one is a little different with more white on the face and all of the flight feathers are white.


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I can't believe that!
Yeah. I totally understand getting the wrong gender or even the wrong breed if you arent careful but dont insist these chicks are something that they definitely are not. No way they're Dominiques . That's how I realized they weren't barred rocks, no barring. And I guess no way they're BCM since no frathered legs.
So what are you thinking of doing with them?
Oh I'll keep them. I have production blues which are a mix with blue australorps and they are the sweetest birds. Really wanted some different breeds but I've already got these ones used to me examining them for mites or lice. They're super friendly. As long as they are all pullets theyll live out their days here. Just a little disappointed I didnt get what I asked for.

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