Black Copper Marans 5 weeks old! LOTS OF PICS

I'm in your shoes and from another post on here some felt that the smaller pink/red combs stil might be hens and I'm sticking with that idea til they crow!!
i also have 5 week olds, and i have BIG differences between the (supposed) females and males. based on how i am seeing my birds, i think like everyone else--that is definitely a roo, my "maybe" (1/5) has smaller comb/wattles than that, and they are less red. i have 1 or 2 females and 3 or 4 males, so i feel your pain! this stinks. i can only keep one roo so i too am thinking about which one to keep, and was interested to see the "less dominant" comment re: your maybe chick. i am wondering if i should keep my most dominant roo or the next dominant roo, given all other things being equal (they look almost exactly the same but for that).

good luck! if you want current pics of my birds to compare let me know!
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I would say your "undecided" is a boy. Girls combs stay pale & small for a long time before they grow & pink up.

I would love to see your birds. The bird in question looked just like the pullet a few days ago and then yesterday I noticed it's comb was no longer small and yellow. I'm out there every day and I swear these birds are noticeably changing day by day. While my daughter and possibly my neighbor might want one to keep one roo each, I'm not thrilled with that idea. Plus, we have a bunch of chicks and who knows how many roos are in there. At least these are beautiful birds and hopefully I'll be able to find local homes for them.
Unfortunately, you all were right and I'm no longer in denial. I have three cockerals that need homes soon. That third cockeral's comb is now more like the others. The pullet has almost no comb and it's yellow.

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