Black Copper Marans discussion thread

What possesses a BCM's Roo to up and attack you and keep attacking when your feeding and watering? Every time

Pics don't do it justice, but he's tearing me up pretty good
He's worse than my Lavender Orp Roo, he knows when to stop, lol

Quote: Quote the standard: "Shanks and Toes : Shanks and toes light to mid-slate, showing pink
between the scales. Bottoms of feet pinkish white."

Combs that are black are over melanized...I always wait it out.I've never had a roo with a blck comb, sometimes a pullet will have very dark, but always ends up red as an adult.
Quote: Yeah...ditto. The only mean rooster I have ever had was, actually is, a silkie..that I bought as an adult, .he is not longed for this world, but I don't eat silkie.

Don't handle the roos. That's the best advice I have gotten and c an recommend. He is not afraid of you , so he challenges you. If a young cockerel looks at me funny, I make an aggressive more towards him. End of story...I never pick up or coddle a roo. Its not worth it.
I pick up and handle all my roos. I get them very use to me coming into their space. I never make threatening moves toward them. I never give them a reason to fear me.
I am the TREAT goddess!

I pick them up and get them use to being handled from day 1.
It is never done roughly or aggressively.
They are always released gently and usually offered another treat.

NASTY ROOS... They do come along. There are some that are just born JERKS and you can do NOTHING about it.
I've only had one NASTY marans. He was NASTY from the beginning. No Matter what we tried, we could not gentle him. We named him Soup Pot and that is where he ended up.

I've had many NASTY roos in the SS breed. They normally are afraid and re-act out of fear. With these boys, I have to work HARD to earn their trust. I have to move slow and constantly re-assure. Plus, give them plenty of space. Many times, I can win them over given enough time. They never become the bold self assured roosters that the marans are, but they don't attack every thing that moves either.

SPACE... sometimes a roo can be an issue if he doesn't have enough space. I have a leghorn right now who attacked every time we went in his 10 x 10 pen. It was just him and 2 pullets. Now, he is in a 8 x 16 pen. It is not that much more square footage, but it is longer so he has an extra 6 ft to get away from me when I come in to do his chores. He is calmer now when I come in.
Quote the standard: "Shanks and Toes : Shanks and toes light to mid-slate, showing pink
between the scales. Bottoms of feet pinkish white."

Combs that are black are over melanized...I always wait it out.I've never had a roo with a blck comb, sometimes a pullet will have very dark, but always ends up red as an adult.

I thought you were talking about chicks. I knew this about the adults. Thank you
Yeah...ditto.  The only mean rooster I have ever had was, actually is, a silkie..that I bought as an adult, .he is not longed for this world, but I don't eat silkie.

Don't handle the roos. That's the best advice I have gotten and c an recommend. He is not afraid of you , so he challenges you. If a young cockerel looks at me funny, I make an aggressive more towards him.  End of story...I never pick up or coddle a roo. Its not worth it.

Apparently silkie is a common food in China. I see it in the Asian market all the time. Something about the dark skin and bones having healing qualities. :)

So guys, my BCM chicks that are hatching are eBay eggs and I did not get to see the parent stock. The first chick to hatch has a small amount of brown feathering under it's chin, where there is usually white. Is this a sign of a future mossy chicken or is it from cross breeding and remnants of Barnevelder traits or some other cross?

A bit confused to say the least! :)

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