Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Is it safe to feed "game Bird Feed Starter" to Day old chicks the crude protein is 28%.

I would also be careful. Marans are known for needing a bit more protein than most birds. But if it were me I would mix it with other feed. There is such a thing as to much protein. Humans can get in trouble eating to much protein, the body needs to be able to absorb it.
I agree with you. I don't see a squirrel tail, and I also thought it was an unfair picture to judge, that is why I didn't say anything...He looks to have more substance to me than the other roo.
You are right about keeping a backup. Learned my lesson early on.
I will see if I can get a better pic of him over the weekend. That is a slightly awkward camera angle. However, that is how he stands most of the time, real tall upright; kind of like the difference between regular ducks and runners
I have to say it is a terrible angle to judge from on TX. He looks like he is getting ready to crow or something has his attention as he has himself pulled up. Just saying it is not fair to judge him from one bad photo. Not trying to offend your photo skills but you are trying to make a decision on his life. I keep hearing to keep a back up rooster just in case. I also like the chest from what I see on TX better.
Here are some more pics, these were taken in July before everyone started molting.

TX You can really see his big tail and huge comb here.

Here is TX and 49 together. You can see TX is much taller but it's like he's all leg and neck; 49 is more compact. I don't have current weights on them will try and get them this weekend but when this pic was taken 49 weighed something like 1/2 to a whole pound more than TX
I know Bev Davis well, and she feeds Game Bird feed with the higher percent to her Marans. I also use it on occasion, but I have access to a local mill that makes their own 21% chick starter. In fact, I feed it to all my birds, young & old, all breeds. You have to supplement the older birds with calcium as chick starter in any brand of feed has minimal calcium.
I thought I would post some updated pics on my 2 BCMS

Roo 1 is Rebel he is about 20weeks old. He is so handsome and beefy I am im love with his body type. I know he is way over melanized.

Roo 2 is CJ he is about 18 weeks old. He is tall and a little more slender he has better color but looks to have a slight halo(the sun was shining on him).

These are offspring from my stock. I think I may bring in new Marans in next spring to hopefully get better offspring.
I had 6 roos to choose from unfortunately a predator got 4 of them These are my remaining 2.

I was thinking of pairing Rebel(roo1) to Olive eggers to make F2 Olive Eggers
Any thoughts on these guys?
Now we can see him better, and yes, his tail is high....Neither bird has a good breast in my opinion. Color is ok. You shouldn't leave yourself with just one roo...better to keep them both in case one dies.
Actually I have 4 boys at the moment; A hatch mate to 49 who is actually bigger and heavier, but with too much copper on the breast and a dark eye but good shank feathering and less halo. The hatch mate to TX is a little wider across the back, better shank feathering, but too dark, no copper on the back, and a much better looking tail. 49 & 50 are from one place, TX from another
Today is day 21 hatch day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 36 eggs!!!!!! ready to hatch i will keep y'all posted. This morning I had 2 Blue Marans Hatched already and 1 peep. I have BCM in there along with Cuckoo Marans. Crossing my fingers on a good out come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any thoughts on these guys?
Does that second boy always stand up like that? That is what I don't like about two of mine, they stand up real tall all the time and their backs slope so much they look like ski jumps.

Also on another thread, Walt (fowlman) an APA judge stated that the angle of the tail is to be measured from the line of the back, that is, the line of the back acts as the horizontal line when measuring the tail angle.

Body wise I much prefer your first boy, just don't know how much of a problem being over melanized would be in your next generation. I have some of the same issues here. I am in my first year of breeding BCM so I am still learning, maybe some more experienced breeders will chime in
I have a question and was hoping someone could help me. I have a cuckoo maran rooster who is a real beauty in my eyes. I just purchased some maran eggs, some were splashed, some copper, and some blue copper. She couldnt tell me which was what. I am wondering what I would get if I mated my cuckoo maran with any one of these marans and is the mix even desirable? I am wanting to slowly start a breeding business but could really use some advice. (No big words please, I am so new to this!) the picture is of my roo.
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