Black Copper Marans discussion thread


I have two 12 week old FBCMs that I hatched on May 18th. The eggs came from a local breeder and thus far they have very little to no copper, I know she tends to have over melanized hens that she places for layers. I want mine for layers, so that doesn't really bother me. I am hoping that they are both pullets but I have heard FBCM are hard to sex so I thought I'd come over to the thread.




Those are pullets, they will do you good as layers. Marans sure can lay some large eggs, that adds to the effect of their beautiful eggs.
The brinsea bators sure do make it a lot easier to succeed. My first hatch was in the same bator, I had a 92% hatch rate with marans, orpingtons and a few F1 olive eggers.

Yes it is a really nice incubator! The hatch was in my classroom and I really wanted it to be successful, I don't think I would have tried it with a different incubator. My sixth graders loved it, I was really surprised at how much they were into it.
I do hope so, this waiting and seeing bit of chicken owning can be excruciating! These are the eggs my Marans hatched out of, although I don't know which two they were! Out of the six Marans eggs I had five hatch. Not bad for a first-timer! CArrie
I think I have the same incubator!! That's the Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance right?
I've seen the pump, I only hatch once a year in my classroom so I can't justify it. Instead I weave a straw into the vent and funnel into the channels.
I'm posting all over the place so apologies if you've already seen one of my desperate posts. Does this 8 week, 3 day old Black Copper Maran look like a roo to you?

It crowed a little today (quietly- a girly sounding crow)


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