Black Copper Marans-Roo or Hen?


Chook Snuggler
9 Years
Apr 3, 2015
Northwest Ohio - The Buckeye State!
In two days, my Black Copper Marans will be 7 weeks old, and I am starting to question whether or not she is actually a hen. However, "its" comb and wattles are very light pink at this point, and would love any of your honest opinions. I am very sorry, the pictures are slightly out of focus.

Hope this helps!
Good luck!
In two days, my Black Copper Marans will be 7 weeks old, and I am starting to question whether or not she is actually a hen. However, "its" comb and wattles are very light pink at this point, and would love any of your honest opinions. I am very sorry, the pictures are slightly out of focus.

Here are some pictures of him/her.


I'm gonna say pullet, because mine went through that stage where I was SURE she was a roo, but is now laying me beautiful brown eggs. This was her at 4 weeks-- look at that comb!

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