Black hen?


May 15, 2015

The black hen was a freebe with silkies I bought Labor day estimated hatch mid to late August, when young she looked just like the Black Copper Maran chicks I had but she has bare legs. The Marans were 5for5 roosters so none left.
The all white is a White Sport Cream Legbar, there are two regular Cream Legbar. There is an Easter Egger, the curious one of the bunch.

I bought mixed chicks from a local farm and this was represented as an Olive Egger. She is much heavier bodied than the rest and seems low on the pecking order, mellower than the Legbars.
I posted the pic because I had my doubts. There were a lot of chickens running freerange and she picked out easter eggers and olive eggers by her own eye from a mixed brooder. I am happy we wanted a variety of birds and fun egg colors.

I will look at more pics of Ameraucanas.

Thank you.
Does the white Legbar have a crest? Does she lay yet? 

I am unsure if she has laid yet, back October I got a few blue/green eggs days apart then without supplemental light that stopped, so one was laying. She had the autosexing markings just like her sisters but she has more comb and no crest, can take more pics and look at the feet of the black one. The Delaware gave us her first egg, pretty sure it was her because it is big for a first and brown.
I haven't bothered the suspected Ameraucana to look at her feet, they aren't as tame as I would like them to be because the kids and I haven't spent enough time with them, they are happy to eat a treat from a hand through the hardware cloth, little timid if no barrier but will eat from a hand, but don't like to be touched, I will take a look one of these evening though.

Here is another pic of the White Sport , I know she looks very LegHorn but that is in their lineage.

The white 'sport' doesn't look like a Legbar since she's lacking the crest, and she doesn't look like a Leghorn, since her earlobes aren't white. I think she's a mixed breed.

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