
6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
Purchased these on hatch day Feb 28, 2018. They are 4 weeks old. However, they have been developing very differently with wing feather and tail feather growth. Also, their comb and wattles are also on different growth rates.

Here is a link to a recent thread with weekly wing pics where you can see a lot of differences.

Here is this week's pics of comb and wattles, and tail feather growth:
Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 8.27.31 AM.png
Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 8.20.42 AM.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 8.38.22 AM.png

Their names will be Jupiter (male) and Juno (female) - but we don't know whom to call which name!
Feather sexing works only for breeds bred to have that trait. As far as I know JGs aren't one of those breeds. So you're going to have to wait for accurate answers. If I were to guess I'd lean cockerel on the less feathered bird on the right, and lean pullet on the bird on the left. But guesses aren't worth much this early in the game.
Feather sexing works only for breeds bred to have that trait. As far as I know JGs aren't one of those breeds. So you're going to have to wait for accurate answers. If I were to guess I'd lean cockerel on the less feathered bird on the right, and lean pullet on the bird on the left. But guesses aren't worth much this early in the game.

Yes, I know feather sexing won’t work here, but was hoping for some insight from those that have raised BJG as these two are developing differently. So, I am figuring them to be male and female but I’m a chicken novice.
Yes, I know feather sexing won’t work here, but was hoping for some insight from those that have raised BJG as these two are developing differently. So, I am figuring them to be male and female but I’m a chicken novice.
Like said above nothing is 100 at this time but in my jersey giant experience I would agree pullet on left cockeral on right
Did you figure out which sex your BJG were? I have a BJG that is 3 weeks that looks like the one on the left and I am hoping it is a female. I know I will have to wait longer to know for sure.
BJG #1 with the black face is the girl. The tail of the girl has grown much faster than the boy. Both M and F are pretty relaxed birds. They are noticeably bigger than the rest now at age 12 weeks.
Did you figure out which sex your BJG were? I have a BJG that is 3 weeks that looks like the one on the left and I am hoping it is a female. I know I will have to wait longer to know for sure.

Yes, just replied- the one with the black face #1 is a girl. I posted weekly pics of my chicks through age 8 weeks. Look at my past posts or search “chicks with pics” in Raising baby chicks forum. Good luck with your BJG!
Yes, just replied- the one with the black face #1 is a girl. I posted weekly pics of my chicks through age 8 weeks. Look at my past posts or search “chicks with pics” in Raising baby chicks forum. Good luck with your BJG!
Awesome! Thanks, I will look up your pics!

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