Black Jersey Giants


10 Years
Apr 26, 2009
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Does anybody out there have any newly hatched Black Jersey Giants that they want to sell? Is anybody expecting any hatches soon? I have been trying to get my hands on one and it is nearly impossible!!!
Thank you.....
I have some coming from cackle hatchery the first week of July and I just found someone local who has them-I wish there was a way to delegate the ones I ordered to you instead but they don't do order corrections/changes.
I have a 2 week old pullet giant id give you, but I think you're too far away... I don't know how to ship birds
I hatched BJG chicks from eggs and they are just now about 2 months - at first I wasn't very impressed but as they start to feather in, they are turning absolutely gorgeous.

I hope you can find some - try Meyer Hatchery - they might still have some to ship out.

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