Black or Blue Copper Marans


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 16, 2010
40/42 North Carolina
I found a listing on craigslist saying they have blue and black copper feather legged marans....From Bev Davis and Wade Gene lines. Parents and eggs on site. I would like your opinions. What are the differences between the two? Can I tell the difference at the age of one week? How do they behave? I have a couple BLRW's EE's and Wellsummers aready that are about 14 wks old. Thanks for your help
Black copper chicks will be black with a few white markings. Blue copper chicks will be blue with a few light markings. The blue coppers can be splash (white with copper markings) or light blue to very dark blue almost black) When grown the blue ones have blue (either dark aor light) feathers and copper hackles, saddles feathers (if male) if black coppers it is the same, the black will replace the blue. You can keep blue and black coppers together in the same pen. The blues will breed out blue and the blacks black etc. Here's some of mine. They all have super sweet personalities.
Black copper chicks

blue copper chicks

Black copper roo and hens (except the one naughty blue ameraucana who squeezed her way in next to the blk copper roo lol)

Blue copper roos (still young and developing thier saddle feather copper) One is a lighter blue and the other is so dark blue he is almost black.
I have a wade gene/ron presley pen, and a bev davis pen. The bev davis pen has LOOoooonnng middle toes, and less noticeable feather follicles on their lower shanks and outer toes. They tend to grow bigger, be calmer and have more white feather faults than the other pen. Hope that helps. See the long middle toes on those blue chicks? That is typical of how my Bev Davis chicks look. The other pen, the chicks toes are almost all three the same length.
Good info on the Bev Davis and the long toes. Geez looking at that picture the blue copper chicks sure do have some looong middle toes LOL! I do believe they are Bev Davis too.
I have some blue copper Marans from Whitmore Farms. They are the absolute best birds! I have black copper from other bloodlines like Bev Davis, Ray Valentine and others and they are okay, lay some gorgeous eggs and have decent temperaments but they are nothing compared to the beauty and sweetness of the ones from Whitmore Farms. I do not show mine or breed for showing. I go for temperament and eggs along with a great meat bird. I am raising some awesome chicks this year with that in mind. I am super happy with my 3 month old chicklings.
I went ahead and got these guys yesterday. I think one of them is a blue and another one probably is...very dark though. With the camera flash so bright it does bring out more blue. What do you think? I'll show some more when they develop further and becomes more obvious. Some are one wk old and others two wk btw.


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Hi, I am brand new to BYC and this is actually my very first comment! I was interested to see you are in Calif. I'm in Northern CA. Do you know if anyone sells day-old Black Copper Marans out here? I got my Blues from Glenn Drowns.

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