Black patches on bantams beak


May 23, 2016
My Pekin bantam who is 8 months and recently started laying has developed two black patches on her beak which seem to be getting bigger. She has had them for about a month. She doesn't seem to have any other symptoms and is eating and drinking and is her usual active self. I am concerned the patches seem to be growing. Here are some photos:

Any advice would be great. Thankyou
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Feel these areas of the black parts....are the smooth as the rest of the beak? Run your fingernail over them. If so, this is just a coloration of the beak, natural pigmentation for this particular bird and it's beak.

If these areas are rough, like it is rotting or falling apart, this might be caused from vitamin deficiencies of Vitamin A and Calcium. If this is the case, you might offer up a good poultry vitamin mix to their water a couple of times a week, maybe give this bird some extra calcium in the form of human Caltrate.

Keep us posted! :)
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

Feel these areas of the black parts....are the smooth as the rest of the beak? Run your fingernail over them. If so, this is just a coloration of the beak, natural pigmentation for this particular bird and it's beak.

If these areas are rough, like it is rotting or falling apart, this might be caused from vitamin deficiencies of Vitamin A and Calcium. If this is the case, you might offer up a good poultry vitamin mix to their water a couple of times a week, maybe give this bird some extra calcium in the form of human Caltrate. 

Keep us posted! :)

Thankyou for taking the time to reply TwoCrows very kind of you. That's very useful info. I've not managed to touch her beak yet (new to chicken keeping so getting used to handling my two Pekins still) but does look smooth rather than rough so as I believe beaks are always growing I'm hoping it's just new pigment color coming through, fingers crossed that's all it is anyway. But I will get some vitamin & mineral drops for their water to be on the safe side I think!

Thanks again for the advice, have a good day!

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