Black Rosecomb Bantam breeders --they arrived! w/PIX

They look pretty good from what I can tell! Do you have any pictures of the 'showing'?

The one thing I would keep an eye on is the leg color. It's hard to tell from the pic, but they look a little light. The Standard calls for black legs in young birds and dark slate in older ones. I had the same issue in my birds when I started breeding rosecombs a few years ago. It's getting better as I'm starting to see dark toenails on the outer two toes, but it's been a bit of a challenge.

They look like they have excellent feather width. What is the shine like on their feathers? Is it a good rich beetle green shine, or is it a bit on the dull side? I get a mix of both in my rosecombs.

They look like they have excellent heads on them!

Urban Coyote
Hi Urban Coyote~
These girls are 6 months old and legs are starting to color up. I introduced the roo today...he has "danced" around them all day long. His legs/nail are that slate color you mention.
Their feathers are a rich black, nearly beetle green in the sun. I've heard you want a black/green instead of the black/purple. Does that sound right to you?
Yes, black with green iridescence is definitely preferred to purple. The richer the green the better for me, but overall it's what I would consider a minor issues to deal with. Don't forget that purple barring can be caused by stress, but an overall purple shine throughout the feather should be culled out.

I had a hen hatch last year that has the most beautiful, rich iridescent green on her feathers, and to top it off she was a beautiful 'type' rosecomb as well. My favorite black hen by far so far.

Here's a pic of does not do her justice

Urban Coyote


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