Black sex link question


8 Years
Feb 22, 2011
Spokane, WA
So I understand how the whole sex link thing works...but I'm concerned anyhow! We have a couple of 8 weeks olds and I've looked at online pictures of Black Sex Links and see that there is a wide variation of a hens colors. But cannot get a clean image of what a roo would look like.

I have a picture of the chicken in question - but the camera has a dead battery - rather than the classic black with red chest she is really rather rusty all over. Does this mean she is shaping up to be a roo or it is still totally normal for a hen color? The chick in question seems to be developing larger redder comb and wattles than our other.

Our other chick has the classic black body with a few red-ish neck chest feathers.

Picture to follow if necessary.

A black sex link cockerel is colored identical to a barred rock hen. At this age the barring would be very evident. As they mature they usually get some reddish leakage on the neck and wings. But as a chick, it looks like a barred rock hen, but the comb and wattles quickly give it away.

Not saying it's not something else altogether, but it's not a black sex link rooster.
Okay here are some pictures!

8 weeks old:

Last picture is of our other black sex link. Notice the difference in wattle and comb growth??

Any other guesses?? Are they both BSL?
I think they are. That first girl will just lay first for you is all. Some birds develop faster. But it's no where like a cockerel would look at this age.


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