Black shoulder charcoal peahens


8 Years
Feb 28, 2011
Buffalo NY
I have two 2013 females I'm looking to sell, and wondered a reasonable price for these as I don't have the money to invest in a male. Any help is appreciated.
you could trade a hen for a peacock, folks are always looking for hens.
Do you have photos of these girls to share?
I am not sure about laying. I have a two year old female laying now, but as I said. .. These are just a year. I can find out the parents, but it would take a phone call if you were really interested. They are very sweet tame girls, and very pretty.
I am honestly not sure, I got these through a friend of the person that raises them, and have his phone # to give a call to see if he has what I really want, which is a silver pied pair. I couldn't pass on these, as I know they are rare, but my birds all free range, and the thought of something happening to these girls doesn't sit well with me, so right now I am playing musical coop door....letting out the ones that want out, in the ones that want in, and keeping these girls inside (technically inside/outside in the run, so don't feel too terrible!).
I am honestly not sure, I got these through a friend of the person that raises them, and have his phone # to give a call to see if he has what I really want, which is a silver pied pair. I couldn't pass on these, as I know they are rare, but my birds all free range, and the thought of something happening to these girls doesn't sit well with me, so right now I am playing musical coop door....letting out the ones that want out, in the ones that want in, and keeping these girls inside (technically inside/outside in the run, so don't feel too terrible!).

I truly wish you were closer, I'd love to find a home for this guy. He's 5 or 6 now.

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