Black snake killed 3 of my 6 week old chicks.

I'm not chancing getting bit by this snake trying to rescue it. I've tried to run off several times.My dog was bit on the neck by one this size and it cost a couple hundred dollars in vet bills to get rid of the infection. Their mouth is only as clean as what they eat(rats)
Use 2 sticks and pick it up. Once it realizes it isn’t in danger (usually takes around 30 seconds to 2 minutes) it will calm down and you can put it into a container with a lid or a pillowcase that you zip tie shut.
He is a Texas rat snake with the scaleless morph. It results in a a big reduction of the amount of scales giving they have giving them a weird look. But he is so cool to hold as his skin feels like velvet!
Cool!! I love snakes, but we don't have the time and space to get one. If we did, I would probably also have rabbits and turtles and fish and cats and cockroaches...
The only humane way to euthanize a snake without vet equipment is by smashing the skull.
Which is how we do it around here. I do love snakes and I'm fine having them around on the property. It's when they get into the coop we have a problem. We've only dispatched 4 or 5 rat snakes over the course of 10 years having chickens. They were all caught eating eggs or chicks in the coop.

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