Black Sultan??

I have a black chicken that I am trying to determine the breed on.  It came with an assortment of Silkies, but most definitely is not one.  I have found a few photos of Black Sultans but not enough close up to tell for sure.  Everyone has told me that they can only be white but I have found that they can also be Black or Blue.  Any ideas on what else it could be?



This may help some.
Post what color eggs she layed and if they are a milky brown or light brown then she is a silkie, but if they are white it's a sultan.
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yes, it's a black sultan. I have 2. I think there is Maran in blood line as far as I can tell and that's where the black comes from
Not a Sultan. Really looks exactly like a Silkie cross...possibly something else in there, like Cochin maybe.

My Silkie Xs have laid cream and white eggs, as well.
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I have a black chicken that I am trying to determine the breed on. It came with an assortment of Silkies, but most definitely is not one. I have found a few photos of Black Sultans but not enough close up to tell for sure. Everyone has told me that they can only be white but I have found that they can also be Black or Blue. Any ideas on what else it could be?


Default silkie, it happens, it's not too rare. You've got yourself a silkie with real feathers, though it's not a bad thing. It makes for a pretty chicken!
Plus she doesn't have a beard, a sultan with no beard isn't a sultan;)
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