Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

"Call in the dogs and put out the fire." always cracks me up.

When people say "Well, hellfire." instead of saying "Oh my gosh." is pretty funny. --->if you've not heard this one, then maybe it's just a Bryson City thing.
One of my coworker's brothers moved from MD to TN. He called one day, wanting to know exactly how far "yonder" is. Coworker had to explain that it depended: Is it just "yonder", or "way yonder"? "Way yonder" is considerably further away.

Just thought of another one that cracked my wife up.

I had asked a buddy of mine to carry me to get some emus we had bought. He had a bigger truck than I had. The wife just rolled. We both looked at her like she was nuts. After she got to where she could talk she said I can just picture him picking you up in his arms and carrying you somewhere.
Around here asking someone to carry you somewhere means to give you a ride, I guess up north it means something else. Oh well.

"Pretty as a speckled pup"

"ugly as a board fence"

"crazy as Cooter Brown" (I wonder who he was?)

and when someone didn't understand what you said "Over back of who's field did you say?"

"Blacker than the devils heart"

when someone is depressed they are feeling "Lower than a well digger's shoes"
I had a friend from Mississippi who would pull over for the am-blamce.

My grandmother's accent got so thick when she visited her sisters in NC, that I wouldn't even attempt to understand her when she got home.

But I can do a good imitation of my grandmother's accent and voice inflection.

"Terr-eh! Don't be ug-leh! C'mere give grammy a huuug!"
While moving to the south from the Pacific Northwest we were traveling thru Texas listning to a radio program that was all about this topic. Weird sayings etc.
Shopping Cart everywhere else is a BUGGY here, half the male residents are named BUBBA, the "Bless his/her heart" thing and on and on. We were nearly in tears laughing at this.
Jump forward a week we're in Walmart stocking the pantry and over the intercom they announce " BUBBA, WE'S OUTA BUGGIES. GO FETCH 'EM" No one in the store could figure out why DW, DD, and myself were on the floor laughing. AND DW is from here originally. The looks of ???
??? were priceless!!!
And after nearly 10 years here I've finally figured out the difference between "Y'all and All Y'all"
SO, All Y'all have a blessed day, bless your hearts.
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Here everyone pulls over to the side of the road and stops for an ambulance or a hearse. It's a respect thing. Also we take our hats off if we see the American flag, a hearse or funeral procession. We had a soldier come home from Afghanistan last year that had died in the war there and there were thousands (And I do mean thousands) of people lining the four lane highway holding their hats in their hands as the procession went by. We had walked the two tenths of a mile from our house to the highway, thought we would be the only ones in our rural area there but almost everyone that lives on our road was there.

We might be backwards in a lot of ways, but I'm still proud to be from the south.

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