Blind chick


6 Years
Oct 10, 2013
I live in Hawaii we have wild chickens all over island, we have a small group of chicks living in our yard (teenagers on therye own). Today I found 2 of them wondering around completely blind. We've had this disease spreading in neighborhood locals here call it chicken pox. They usually get it in one eye it will swell up they lose the eye normally (we had in hen survive after losing 1 eye) but a lot of times it spreads to both eyes and sometimes in the throat. Anyways both chicks eyes were completely swollen shut completely blind one passed away today he had a swell in throat also, but his brother is a lot better. But he won't eat I've given some vitamins in his water advice?? Is this a form of mareks??Spreading around island fast! should I try syringe feeding him? Il post photo in morning
If you are dealing with fowl pox, it could be wet pox and you'd see lesions in the mouth. Birds with wet pox normally die from starvation because they cant swallow feed due to the lesions. Dry and wet fowl pox are normally carried by mosquitos.
You could also be dealing with eyeworms. It seems they are very prevelent in Hawaii. Look closely at a birds eye and if you see whittish or clear worms, skinny 1/8 inch long "swimming" in the eyes, those are eyeworms and could be the cause. Birds scratch their eyes that have eyeworms, causing infection and blindness.
I think you right about the wet pox! Il read up on it, My neighbor was telling me it's spread by Mosquitos. The chick made it through the night and he doesn't seem to have any lesions in throat he can drink water fine. Thanks so much for your help!
Yes its defiantly fowl pox, found this pic online exactly how my little chicks eyes looks
There's really not much you can do for fowl pox since it's a virus and antibiotics do nothing for it unless there's a secondary bacterial infection.
All you can do is provide supportive care, perhaps probiotics such as probios will help bolster their immune system. Fowl pox will go away on its own in about a months time. Birds will then be immune to that particular strain and will not be carriers of the disease.
Yes I've seen a lot of the wild chickens here recover. The one hen who if it first now has four baby chicks. If he does make it im going to have to keep him caged I'm just worried about his or her quality of life he seems to be completely blind but can walk about find maybe can see a little out of one eye, it kind of seems like it spreading to throat now here's some photos of him so sad :(


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