Blindfolding a hen?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 12, 2009
Cromwell -ish, Indiana.
I have a hen that recently hatched out 3 chicks, she has been taking great care of them in a bin on my front porch. I decided to press my luck, thinking that if I added 6 more chicks from TSC she would babysit them. I added them after dark, she was great the first night. This morning she has decided they are intruders and has been pecking at the new kids everytime they come near. I was wondering if I blindfolded her, would she just hang out and be nice to everyone? Anyone ever tried this? What do you think? Thank you
I don't think the hen would tolerate a blindfold. She'd probably manage to get it off or at least thrash around like crazy trying and that wouldn't be good for the chicks.

Some broodies would've taken to the newcomers, some won't. Sounds like it just didn't work out and I'd probably go ahead and set up a seperate brooder for the TSC chicks.
I don't think it would work either. You might try darkening the bin a bit, it might mellow her out more. I don't know, just a suggestion?
ETA If you have some wire that the chicks can get through but the hen can't you might try blocking off a corner with a heat lamp. That way they can get away from her if they have to but can still run with her chicks. She might eventually decide they are all hers.
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There is a thing called a peeper, it fastens to the nostrils and prevents pecking of each other. A total blindfold won't work, but a peeper might.
That's a good idea too, just make sure there is Starter feed and water on both sides.
Thank you all for the suggestions! I will separate them out, I kept picturing how I would blindfold her and I kept coming back to "my little pony" bandaids crisscrossed on her head.

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