Bloody Diarrhea. What Do I Do!!!!!?????


7 Years
Jun 16, 2012
Zone 8a
Woke up this morning and there is bloody poop in the chicks coop. Nobody is acting funny, but what do I give them?
Please??? Does somebody know??

I cleaned the coop, sprayed it down with oxine too.

I don't want to lose this flock too [I lost my first because I was sold sick chickens!!]]

I hatched these babies myself and have raised them, I don't want them to die.
They were on the medicated for the first 4 weeks, and once they moved outside into their "big girl" coop, I switched them over to the unmedicated [because I refuse to buy purina and I can't find the big bags of the medicated dumor food]

Should I put them back on the medicated? I have a little bag of it...or is it too late for that?

Also, I found sulmet at one of the garden centers near me [since our TSC doesn't carry sulmet and they are ALWAYS out of corrid]

I put it in ALL of the water bowls, because I don't want my hens coming down with it now too.

The chicks are confined, but I let the older ones out during the day....until they're healthy, everyone is on lock down.
But crap. Now I'm reading that Corrid is a better choice?

None of my chicks seem very sick. The one is a little more lethargic than the others, I'm going to go try and hand feed her some of the sulmet mixture and see if I can force her to drink.

I separated her and put her in her own tub in the garage. All of the other chicks are eating and drinking well. I just filled their food bin with the medicated chick food.

Hopefully the sick one bounces back and the rest don't get sick.
Corrid might be better Sulmet will work. If you've already given Sulmet don't give Corid too. The medicated feed is supposed to help prevent Coccid and it's recommended to keep them on it at least 8 weeks. Sounds like you took them off the medicated too soon.

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