Bloody rub injury on 2 week old chick. Need to hide the blood...(pix)


10 Years
Feb 7, 2014
2 week old chick rubbed a bunch of skin and feathers off the back of her head/neck in some chicken wire. Other 4 chicks will try to peck at it.

I do have Blu-Kote but don't want to use it on a injury this large as she is tiny and it will burn like heck. Ideas? She is eating but exhausted and wants to be with the other chicks. How do I mask this? Or do I have to separate for a day or two?

Do you have any Betadine? I know that BluKote stings from the alcohol, but I would be tempted to use it once. If she is separated I would use plain Neosporin ointment (or triple antibiotic.) A small screen or netting could just separate her next to the others. Once it heals some, the BluKote would be good. But some chicks will pick at BluKote, so use caution. Betadine or povidone iodine would color it orange/brown, and might be less likely to see. A loose flesh colored bandaid might work, but I would make sure that it wennt all the way around loosely, and attached to each end. I would hate to see her kept separate but it may be necessary.
Do you have any Betadine? I know that BluKote stings from the alcohol, but I would be tempted to use it once. If she is separated I would use plain Neosporin ointment (or triple antibiotic.) A small screen or netting could just separate her next to the others. Once it heals some, the BluKote would be good. But some chicks will pick at BluKote, so use caution. Betadine or povidone iodine would color it orange/brown, and might be less likely to see. A loose flesh colored bandaid might work, but I would make sure that it wennt all the way around loosely, and attached to each end. I would hate to see her kept separate but it may be necessary.
Thanks! No betadine. I am tempted to try a bandage with very loose vet wrap over it. They sleep under a mama hen heating pad so separation would be difficult. Right now she is bundled up inside my shirt to warm up and sleep (so at least she is not peeping). Might wait a while to try and bandage it.

Appreciate the advice, this has never happened before and it is not easy to deal with an injury when they are so tiny!
Update, I managed to bandage it and it looks like it is staying on (fingers crossed).
Used a tiny strip of vet wrap over some gauze and ointment, it seems to be holding.

She did eat/drink some and slept inside my shirt for a while so I hope she will be okay, very quiet but probably just really tired.

injury bandanged.jpg
Just keep a close eye on her. It always makes me nervous to have something around the neck, in case of getting a foot or something caught in it. Let us know how she gets along.

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