Bloody wing feather on Sebastopol Gander ((WARNING GRAPHIC))


10 Years
Feb 3, 2009
As we all know breeding season is among us and the ganders are a little least that is my conclusion to this accident.

You can see the broken feather

Then I pulled the rest of the feather, leaving a hole. I have not had to do this on a goose before, there was quite a bit of blood. I packed it afterwards and have to hope all is well.

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The rest of the group stayed close by watching..

Well, today when I went out there was a pool of blood in the snow and drops all around. I picked him up and checked it out and it was not bleeding so I placed him in a stall in the barn by himself so he would not bump it. Hopefully this heals quickly. That was a lot of blood!
Pulling it was the right way to go, Blood feathers are nasty business when they break, and as they don't clot well an untended one can soon lead to a weak and/or dead bird. I'm new to keeping geese have worked in rehab with injured eagles for years and we often have to do the same for birds with permanent injuries. Looks messy, and they can be hard to pull, but a broken/bleeding blood feather is generally best pulled. And since you got the whole feather he should start growing a new one within a few weeks and be right as rain soon.
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Well, today when I went out there was a pool of blood in the snow and drops all around. I picked him up and checked it out and it was not bleeding so I placed him in a stall in the barn by himself so he would not bump it. Hopefully this heals quickly. That was a lot of blood!

Probably a good idea. When my gander got injured on his wing from fighting, although I think the fence was the culprit, they were fighting along the fence, I went to my vet and she looked up the appropriate antibiotic to give him, He might not have needed it but I was new to geese and drakes fighting and was worried about infection. I hope he continues to heal, The hormones are running wild here and it is so early but we have been having crazy winter weather, real cold for about 3 days then warming up into the 50's so i think they are thinking its spring..
I actually don't think I got the end out as he kept bleeding. I checked last night and saw mostly dried blood. I will check again tonight after work.

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